Chapter 7

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The sun rose bright and fair, and the morning was without a cloud. Birds chirping lovely while spreading their wings in the bright blue sky.

There are also sounds of vehicles honking amidst the heavy traffic. But even these sounds couldn't wake this person up.

Until the alarm from the phone rings...

"Mmmhh..." The sound of the alarm awakens Yena from her sleep and thus makes her reach the phone. She shuts it off and forces one eye to open to look at the time.

"What time..." The time shows 8.47 am.

"It's still early..." She puts the phone down and continues her sleep... for just a moment until her realization strikes.

"8.47 am?!" She checks the time on her phone again. Her eyes widen and she gets up immediately.

"I'm so damn late!" She rushes to the bathroom after grabbing her towel on a chair...

About 20 minutes later, she leaves her house in a hurry. She starts running towards the street hoping to see a taxi in sight as she arrives.

Fortunately, a taxi was around and she immediately hopped into it. Arriving just 18 minutes after the class started, she rushed to the study hall with maximum speed and barged in.

"I'm sorry, sir! I know I'm late but please hear me out-" The lecturer giggled at her.

Soon after, the study hall is filled with giggles from the students. Yena was confused as to why they're laughing at her. The lecturer took her phone and took a picture of her before showing it.

"Our Yena is very rushed, right?" As soon as Yena sees the picture of her looking so messy; hair not properly dried and tangled, wearing one different pair of shoes, wearing the wrong side of the shirt, and the makeup...

"Puhahahahaha!! What's this?" She bursts out laughing making everyone in the study hall laugh with her as well.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But I do look pretty, right?" Yena asked while looking at the teacher.

"Yes you are, Miss Choi Yena. Now go have a seat. We have a lesson to learn."

"Alright. I apologize again for being late."

"It's fine." Yena searches for you and then makes her way to her seat beside you.

"Well, someone had a good talk last night." You said sarcastically.

"It was a great talk. I didn't know we both had a lot in common."

"Me too. I just discovered some of them last night."

"Oh your guilty pleasure is also eating boogers?" That was never your guilty pleasure.

"Yeah. That one I also discovered yesterday."

"Huh. I guess we really do have a lot in common." Yena says while pulling out her notebook and starts scribbling words.

"Perhaps we were siblings in our past life. Or maybe even a coup-"

"Maybe we were best friends in our past life. That is a high possibility." And you just got friend zoned.

"That's what I'm about to say." You avert your focus to the lecturer in front.

"So, in what language did the New Testament in the Bible was originally written from?" You raised your hand to answer.

"Greek. It was also the most widely spoken lingua franca in the Mediterranean region. And it's pronounced as Elliniká which is Modern Greek."

"Well done, Mr. Song. But I was hoping that anyone in this class other than you could answer my question. Come on, you guys. He's not the only one here."

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