ch1 - abuse

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The air was thick with the metallic tang of blood as it pooled around the woman's limp body. Her clothes were shredded, her skin bruised and cut in places. She lay there, barely conscious, her vision blurred and her breath coming in ragged gasps.

She knew that she had to get up, to get away from this man who had caused her so much pain. But her body felt like it was made of lead, every muscle protesting against the movement she tried to force it to make.

Finally, with a groan, she managed to push herself up onto one elbow. The world spun around her, and she had to close her eyes for a moment to steady herself.

When she opened them again, she saw him standing over her, his face twisted into a mask of rage and hatred. She knew that if she didn't do something, he was going to kill her.

She forced herself to her feet, her legs trembling underneath her. Blood dripped from her body, staining the floor beneath her. She staggered over to a nearby dresser, her fingers fumbling for something, anything that she could use as a weapon.

Her hand closed around a heavy crystal vase, and she raised it above her head, prepared to strike.

But as she faced her attacker, she knew that this was not the answer. She had to find a way to break the cycle, to ensure that her child, now growing inside her, would not suffer the same fate as she had. Killing him before he could her would do that, but at what cost?

As he advanced towards her, she made a split-second decision.

With all of her remaining strength, she threw the vase aside and collapsed to her knees, raising her hands in surrender. "Please," she gasped. "Just stop."

Her attacker paused, seeming confused. "What do you mean?" he growled.

She took a shaky breath. "I mean... I want to protect the child inside me, our child. You keep attacking me you're gonna kill him."

Her attacker paused, lowered his arms, and dropped the object in his hand. He stumbled back to the coutch aginst the wall behind him and dropped down on it.

The silence in the room was thick, heavy, and loud. The woman collapsed in a heap on the floor. Moments later, her breathing labored, she tried to speak again, her voice was shakey. "I  .  .  . I don't,"she paused to breath then continued, "want him to grow up like, like this," (shallow breath), "like me, like you. I want-" She pushed herself up in a seated position,"I want to break the cycle."

Her attacker's face twisted into a sneer. He leaned forward. "You think you can protect him from me? From what I am?" He quickly hopped up, and took a step towards her. He leaned in, his voice low and menacing. "You can't. He'll always be mine. He'll always be part of me."

But despite his words, something in her heart told her that she could make a difference. She had to try. "No," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Her attacker laughed, a harsh and cruel sound. "Debbie, so you really think you can hide the truth from him? You think you can protect him from the monster that lurks inside every man?" He took another step closer, his face contorted with rage. "You're a fool, woman."

"I can raise him differently. I can make sure he knows about you, about what you've done to me, to our family. I can protect him."

As she said this, something in her voice, in her determination, made her attacker hesitate. He studied her for a moment, his expression shifting from anger to confusion, and back to agitation. "I will always be a part of him, whether you like it or not. And one day, he will have to face the truth about who he really is."

Emergency sirens could be heard in the distance. Her attacker didn't know if they were headed to his location or somewhere else, but he wasn't going to stick around to find out.

With that, he turned and hurried away, leaving her there, battered and bloodied, in a heap on the floor, barely conscious but with a newfound sense of purpose.

As she lay in a hospital bed, recovering from her injuries, she listened to the heartbeat on the fetal heart monitor attached to her belly. She knew that the road ahead would not be easy, but she was determined to give her child a better life, a life free from the abuse and pain that had defined her own existence.

She began to formulate a plan. She would press charges and testify against Tom, her attacker, husband, and her son's father. She would also raise her son in seclusion, far from the influence of him and his abusive family and the toxic masculinity that pervaded their world. She would hide her son from his father and ensure he had no chance of turning out like his father by teaching him about the value of women, the beauty of femininity, the strength of females, and the importance of compassion and empathy  .  .  .

by raising him as a girl. 

Unveiling the Truth: Abuse and the Journey to a Better LifeWhere stories live. Discover now