Poison (Pretty Little Liars Fanfic)

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Hi! My name is Olivia. I am 16 years old. I have carmel brown hair and hazel eyes. I have a good life besides the fact that I have lived most of my life in a hospital. I have a rare heart disease. I was supposed to die before i turned 3, but i guess i got lucky. My family knows me as their cousin but really I am the youngest twin. weird right? I guess im supposed to be the cousin because i guess having a disease will hurt the precious Hastings family image. Opps, I totally forgot to mention my last name, and now that i have now you probably understand that whole reputaution thing. so as your probably guessing, I am Spencer's twin but we are not identical. I wish. I've never seen her since we were babies, but i hear she's gorgeous. Anyways, I have to go becuase for some reason my mom and dad are coming here to see me. They have never ever came here. So ok bye!

"Don't worry Olivia. They will love you!" my mother says referring to Melissa and Spencer. At that point I had no idea about Alison, Ian, and most imortantly, A.

I don't know mom..." I say unsure.

"Well we'll see. They will be coming in less than five minutes." My mom says. I flatten down my shirt,and look in the mirror. Lately, I have been feeling very self-conscious. Probably because my parents took me out of the hospital,to go live with them. So now I have to keep up the family reputation.

"Yeah I guess..." I say.

"Shh!" my mom says. "Their home. Go in the kitchen!" she says. I go into the kitchen and take a sip of my vanilla Carmel latte.

"Girls, can you come in here please?" I hear my mom say. The girls walked into the living room. I snuck a peek and wish I hadn't. First I saw, Melissa. With the perfect auburn brown hair and her carmel eyes she was the perfect Hastings. Then I saw Spencer. She was even more goreous than her sister. She had perfect fashion sense and gave me the impression that she is very smart. Again, typical Hastings. What would they think of me?

"Girls, I have something to tell you.." My mom said. "Um, well do you remember your cousin, Olivia?" my mom started.

"Yes," Melissa said.

"Sure," Spencer replied.

"Well, shes not your cousin."

"Then what is she?" Spencer asked.

"Olivia, dear. Can you please come out now." My mother says. I walk out into the living room to see Spencer and Melissa. Their mouths wide open. "She's actually your twin sister, Spencer.

"WHAT!" Spencer shouted. I stood there awkwardly feeling Melissa's eyes carefully scan me. She didn't have a look of disgust on her face so I guess that's a good thing.

"Spencer.." My mom began but Spencer cut her off.

"You told me she was my cousin! But she's really my twin!!! I can't believe you right now!"

"Spencer please let me explain." My mom said.

"You better." said Melissa.

"Ok well Olivia had a heart disease and i didn't know if it was contagious she she has spent sometime at the hospital. But the disease is all gone now so she's going to be living here now. Actually she's startng Rosewood tomorrow." Mother said.

"What? You can't be serious!"

"I am very serious Spencer. Please just give Olivia a chance. She is your sister." Mom said as she looked at me and smiled. Then, without saying a word Spencer got up and went to her room. Melissa got up and came over to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2013 ⏰

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