The Moon and the Star

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Amanda's POV

"Hey guys, it's Amanda..." I said into the camera. I was filming a new video for my subscribers, but something felt off. Not just about myself, but about the place around me. My living room seemed distorted, even though it looked just fine. I felt a strange energy in the room. I got up and turned off my camera and put it on its charging station. I walked slowly towards my room, cautiously looking around every few seconds. Something just wasn't right.

I got into my bed and pulled my covers up to my neck, then I picked up my phone from my nightstand and texted my friend Teala.
"Hey T. Come over" I said.
I waited for a response, and 2 minutes later I got one.
"Sure. I'm on my way."

Teala arrived shortly after she sent her text. It was 8:30 PM, and we were both tired.
"Wanna spend the night?" I asked.
"Sure. I'm glad you asked me to come over. I feel... Strange," she said.
I was shocked. "Me too! I was about to film a video but then I just felt... Odd. So odd I had to stop filming. I didn't want to be alone, I was getting bad vibes."
"Same!" She said. "I wonder what's happening. This is such a crazy coincidence."
I picked up my phone and looked up what we were feeling. First I typed in "strange feelings" but got nothing. Then I typed in "strange feelings and energies" and got sent to a link about witchcraft. I chuckled. This was ridiculous. Why am I stressing over a tiny coincidence? I'm not a witch. I can't be. I was humored by the fact that I would even believe it for a second. Teala isn't a witch, and I'm not a witch. We can't be. Right?

Teala's POV

At 8:33, I got a text from my best friend, Amanda. I jumped at the Popcorn tone I had set as her text sound, it startled me. Normally I wouldn't be scared by that, but something was totally wrong that evening. I felt so strange. My house felt strange. Everything was just... Strange. I didn't think much of it until I was taking selfies and saw a golden yellow blur in all of them when I was looking at the photos. "What the...?" I said. Probably just the lighting. I thought. But... The placement of the streaks were nowhere near the lighting. They were on every corner of the photo, perfectly shaped like tiny circles. This is just getting weird. I looked at my phone to see Amanda's text. "Hey T. Come over" it read. I was overjoyed at the text. Amanda was exactly what I needed.

I drove over to her house and arrived at 8:28. I was just so relieved I didn't have to feel those weird vibes for a few more hours. But as I stepped into her house, there were vibes. Not necessarily bad vibes, mine weren't bad either. But... Just weird ones. After some discussion, I found out that Amanda and I are having the same problem! Now all we have to do is figure out the source...

Amanda's POV

The next morning, at approximately 9:39, I woke up. I went on the Safari app on my phone and decided to read the witchcraft article. Teala wasn't awake yet, so I had time.

Witchcraft: an in depth look at the mysterious wonders of magic.
In the 1800s, Salem shined light on the thought of witches. Some people supported them, but many more wanted all witches to burn. Real witches are smart and cunning, careful not to get caught. The Salem bloodline extends all the way back to 32 BC, to today, in 2015. There are real witches out there, some yet to discover their power. But if you're ever feeling odd vibes in you and your surroundings, as if something is off, keep reading.

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