After Funeral

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It has been three days since my son Jonathan was buried in the graveyard of the local church.

My boy was eight year old, had golden hair and blue eyes.

Just like the beloved man in the Carpenter's song, CLOSE TOME

Since my wife Ella passed away giving birth to Jonathan, I had been my everything.

He was my angel...but now, he's gone!

It was a snowy winter morning...

*Living Room*

Jonathan sitting on the floor and in front of the TV as I was wondering about, getting ready.

"When will you be back?" Jonathan asked with a wonder as I grab the car keys off the side table.

"Don't worry, Jonathan. I'm just going to pop to the shops for a few things. I will be right back" I reassured him.

"Okay" Jonathan called back and I smiled before kissing my son on his forehead.


Door Close

I exited the house and got into the car before I drove away, on the way to the shops.

Time Later...

Door Open

"I'm back!" I called as I enter the house, holding bags of groceries in my hands.


But no one answered, making me instantly confused and concerned.

"Jonathan?" I said as I put down the shopping bags and removed my shoes.


Door Open

"Jonathan!" I said as I enter the room, but...

I stop on the spot, my eyes widened and hand covered my mouth as...

over by the bed, lying on the covers motionless, son Jonathan!


His face was covered with his pillow...chocked!

"Police couldn't find any signs of trespassing"


"I clearly remembered the day of my son funeral"

A group of people are gathered around the coffin as a priest was reading from a bible.

"I try to forget...but the details are in front of my eyes...they won't go away"

Among the crowd is a grieving me, trying so hard not to cry.

The priest gave some prayers, these that I wasn't familiar with.

I'm not religious, or catholic as the lifeless body of my son laid in the coffin below.

His feet were turned to the east as he's wearing a black suit and shiny shoes.

My son skin was pale, he was too young for all this.

"I wished it was me lying there instead of you"

Present Day...


Like the day you died, it's a snowy day in all of Ohio.

*White Residence*


Three inches of snow outside the house, as....

*Inside: Office*

...I am sitting down in front of my computer.

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