sexuality: non-binary

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Non-binary means someone who is non-binary does not identify as exclusively male or female. They may identify as both, neither, or some combination of the two. For example, someone who identifies as non-binary may feel more masculine on some days and more feminine on other days. And some people are non-binary and that's ok. It's ok to be part of the lgbtq community and never hasn't been illegal to.



The yellow stripe represents those whose genders do not exist within the binary

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The yellow stripe represents those whose genders do not exist within the binary. White and purple correspond to people identifying with all or many genders and those who may consider themselves a mix of female and male. Lastly, the black stripe accounts for those who identify as having no gender.  Tbh I had no clue I was just reading about the flag and I found that out. I am not non-binary and I do not discriminate against those who are non-binary.


Proud pansexual writer signing out

( Happy new year)

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