Please never do that again....

490 11 20

TW for:
Self-harm scars
Abusive parents

"And the winner of this season of Disventure Camp is... Miriam!"

Alec couldn't find it in his heart to care. He rolled his eyes. And he didn't even attempt to help out Fiore.

Once everyone had stopped cheering, everyone talked for a bit before they all went to the bus stop.

Alec sat down on the bench, bored out of his mind. He wished he had brought a book with him to read, but the hosts wouldn't allow it.

He watched the whole thing. Jensen stealing the money and driving away, Tom coming back with the money and handing it to Miriam.

He didn't say anything, there was nothing for him to say. He had been betrayed by a 6 year old girl. Why? He didn't know. He assumed she had always been planning to betray him. Not knowing just how far from the truth his assumption was.

Fiore, on the other hand, was on the verge of breaking down into tears. But she couldn't. She would just be seen as weak. And that's the last thing she wanted.

She wished she had someone, anyone, to support her. Someone she could vent to. About her shitty life, and her shitty parents who abused her, and not being able to trust anyone because they always ended up betraying her.

That's why she voted off Alec. He had called her a weak little girl during lunch. She knew he had brought her to the finals with him just to crush her and to reinforce the fact that she can't trust anyone.

She walked over to a tree, a good distance from the other contestants waiting for the bus. She sat down, her back pressing against the tree. She brought her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them, burying her face in them as she quietly sobbed.

She couldn't let anyone hear her. She knew she was a good enough distance that no one would hear her or even notice her, if they cared enough to look for her.

No one cared. Fiore was alone. She knew she'd be alone her whole life once she realized how much her parents didn't care. And when everyone she trusted betrayed her.

In this world, it was backstab or be backstabbed. And Fiore had been backstabbed too many times. It felt good, for a moment, to be the one in power. To be the backstabber for once. Instead of the backstabbed. But then her world came crashing down when she lost the only person she thought would genuinely love her.

So, she sat near that tree, her knees brought up to her chest, her face hidden, and sobbed.

Alec glanced around at everyone a bit, observing them as they spoke. His gaze eventually landed on the small girl with her back against a tree. He wouldn't have noticed her if he hadn't had a good eye for observing, she was kind of hidden by bushes and the shade of the trees.

Alec wasn't going to say anything about it, until his gaze landed on her wrists. He could've sworn he saw the lines of healed scars. And as he shifted this gaze to her sleeves, he noticed a few fresher, barely noticeable scars. On her skin under the sleeve that had been scrunched up by the tree bark.

His eyes widened a bit. And without even thinking, he got up, and approached the girl.

Fiore had been sobbing silently for about 5 minutes until she felt the ground vibrating as someone approached her. She had a very good sense of knowing when someone was approaching, she relied on that sense to hide her books or drawing when she felt her parents approaching her room to scream at her or beat her simply because they were drunk and felt like it.

She shifted her gaze upwards quickly. "What do you want?" She spoke to Alec. Silently cursing her shaky tone from sobbing. She hoped he wouldn't notice the tear stains on her skin, or her eyes wet with tears.

Alec was not exactly expecting the harsh tone of her voice. He crouched down In Front of her. "Fiore... what happened to your wrists?"

Fiore froze. She thought the scars would've completely healed in the week they had until the finale. "I uhm... fell in some thorn bushes" she spoke. Realizing how unconvincing her lie was.

Alec narrowed his eyes at her obvious lie. "Fiore. Tell me the truth" he spoke. Alec tried to make his voice as soft and gentle as possible.

"What does it matter to you? Didn't you call me a mistake? And a psychopath?"

Alec stared at the ground a bit. Taking in what she had said. He realized how stupid what he said had been. He Made a child that he had sworn to protect, hate him. He stooped to her parents' level.

"I'm... I'm sorry, Fiore. You're right, I can't excuse what I did. I... it... I shouldn't have said those things. I was just so angry and.. you're right."

Alec sighed. Hoping maybe Fiore would take his words into consideration.

"I... I forgive you" Fiore reluctantly spoke. She didn't want to, and she still hadn't gotten over what he had said to her. but if even one person was willing to apologize to her, and give her a chance to be loved again, she would take it.

"Then... Can you tell me what happened to your wrists?"

"It doesn't matter.."

"It does matter, Fiore. You... you can't hurt yourself like that"

Fiore considered his words.

".... I'm sorry" Fiore wanted to smack herself for how weak and pitiful she sounded.

"Fiore.... Don't apologize for hurting. Just... Please don't ever do that again."

Fiore shifted upwards so she was actually looking at Alec now. "...I won't."

Alec wrapped his arms around her, hoping the embrace would comfort her a bit.

Fiore hugged him back. And they stayed there for 30 minutes. Fiore told Alec the truth, about why she thought feelings were for weak people, and what her parents did.

Alec listened to her, and he let her sob and he was there to comfort her so she could finally allow herself to actually be open with her emotions instead of bottling them up.

After those 30 minutes, they realized that a bus finally arrived and the other contestants were getting on it.

Alec stood up and held out a hand for Fiore. She took his hand and got up. They both walked to the bus together and got on. Fiore sat next to Alec, like when they were on the bus as it was first driving to Disventure Camp.

Except this time, Fiore wasn't alone on the bus, a broken child. She had a friend. And she finally could be herself.

Alec wasn't alone either, he had a daughter now, and he couldn't even care what would happen in his divorce now.

They both knew that neither of them were going back to the way life was before. Fiore wasn't going back to her abusive parents, and Alec wasn't going back to his broken marriage.

Lets just say, the father and daughter duo are gonna cause more shenanigans .they were gonna bring the drama to whatever Allstars season the hosts throw. And they were gonna bring that drama together.

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