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Ghoul age: 13

Hiiii journallll. I've just got you for my birthday:) and so here's my life
I'm ____ and I'm 13 and I live in the pit/somewhere in hell. I don't have any friends but I do have my momma. I love her a lot but she can be harsh a bit at times. Like when talking about dad and how he ditched her for the real world. And watawata. I kinda hate being here though I heard that they're more colours then red and black ish colours up in the real world. I would love to see that! Anyway momma needs me so I'll write to you later journal!

Ghoul age: 15

Hey journalllll. I've made a new friend! Rain! He's really nice!!! He's kinda shy though but I don't mind. I really like when we hang we don't do much but I like that we read together and he helps me out when I don't understand a word. He LOVEEEES reading! Anyway Rain is coming soon. I'll write you soon :)

Ghoul age: 16

Heyyyyy journal! me and rain made a new friend! His name is Gordik he's nice :) he's from the darker parts from hell. Mom told me to be careful but she's starting to go a bit crazy... the doctor or what not told me that it was because she wasn't over her mate leaving her... well dad. Also Rain explained to me that mates have a special bond and have like a pulling sensation? Idk he saw a book about it. He said he'll explain to me more about it tomorrow. I really like when he explains stuff to me. He explains stuff better then the dumb teachers at school. Also Gordik has beat up marks on him... I help him patch them up with Rain. We don't like seeing him hurt.

Ghoul age:18

Hiiii! Rain got chosen to go up in the real world!!!! I'm so happy for him! I'm kinda sad I won't see him ever again but I'm happy he can get out of here and start new since it's really boring down here. Also there's probably more books up there for him to learn more! I'm really glad for him... Gordik on the other hand... not so much... he looks like he could kill rain...

Ghoul age: 18

Hey journal. My mom has been ballistic ever since Rain left... she said Gordik is going to kill me... I'm scared... but not of Gordik he just been sulking... I'm scared I'll loose my mom...

Ghoul age: 19

Heyyy journal! Me and Gordik are dating <3 we went on our first date! It wasn't to much since again not a lot to do down here. But it was nice. I really liked it :)

Ghoul age: 20

Hey. So I saw Gordik cheating with some bitch... I thought we were doing good... guess not... he said that it was because I wouldn't do anything when he was in his heat... I never had mine... I wasn't ready to have that step at all... I thought he respected my boundaries... I don't know what to do... also my mom started to loose her mind a bit... I can feel she isn't here anymore mentally...

Ghoul age: 21

Gordik made new friends... they came and beat me up... infront of ma... she didn't react... I don't like it here anymore... well I never really did but now I have a better reason then it's boring...

Ghoul age: 22

Since the first time I saw Gordik again he's come to my house multiple times... always the same reason... to beat me up... my mom is sick and she's about to pass... I hate it here... I'm scared to leave my own house...

Ghoul age: 22

Hey journal this is the last time I'm writing you. My mom passed... I can't do this anymore... but writing to you has helped a bit...

Ghoul age: 22

Hey. I know I said I couldn't do it anymore... but when I was about to do it... I felt arms around me... ma was there I couldn't do it with her watching I don't want to cause her that damage...

Ghoul age: 23

Hi. I actually got chosen to be summoned :) I can finally be free from this place. I'm only scared because I don't want to leave ma... but she's not really here anymore... I mean I feel her spirit with me... but she isn't here... I need to move on... I need to escape Gordik and his friends... I need to go on the over world... I wish Rain was still here... I feel selfish saying this though... but maybe things would have been better... I hope he's doing ok up there... maybe I can finally see him again... but the possibility of that are slim... but I'm also scared I heard about ghouls being put back in here... I can't imagine having what everyone wants and then loosing it all... I hope that doesn't happen...this is the actual final time I'm writing to you. But I'm glad this is the reason why :)

853 words <3 kinda dark chapter hope that's ok but every story has dark times mines just starts with one 🤷‍♀️ also i was listening to Spillways by ghost while writing this <3

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