Swapping Places

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Bryan POV:

"Alright, another day at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Let's see what everyone is up to today." I walked into the pizzeria excited for today as usual. Ever since I got the job I've been doing pretty well, the animatronics are amazing to be around, Adrien or Dylan will sometimes visit, even though it's taken years Mom and Dad are friends at least, and the pizzeria is thriving. While I'm still confused about the hole in the floor Helpy says is a portal, playing the minigames is nice. And the animatronics that I found in the vents are somewhat nice. I did find a Springlock suit in the vents but I left it there cause it was old and rusty. Not to mention the corpse inside it. And Helpy without my permission had locked off the section it was in. But they said it was good riddance. Circus Baby and Molten have been fine since we fixed them, although Molten still makes me nervous. Since we fixed him it's easier to be around without the sharp wires being a hazard. The only thing we'd need to worry about is if he gets in a fight with Rockstar Freddy, but they aren't ever on at the same time, so it doesn't matter. In the main room, sitting on the stage, today were Helpy, Lefty, Happy Frog, and AI Afton. He showed up from the portal at random. Won't say where he came from. Just that our pizzeria is better than his, and he'd rather be here. "Hey guys," I said excitedly while waving. AI gave a small wave while Happy Frog and Lefty both said hello. And Helpy ran up to me and gave me a big hug while yelling, "WE MISSED YOU!" I laughed, "Come on, you just saw me yesterday." "I didn't," Lefty remarked. I rolled my eyes, they knew they wouldn't see me every day. Sometimes they have to charge while the others are online. But they always like to be dramatic, and it always makes this place never boring. Helpy let go and ran back to the other three. I glanced around the room and asked curiously, "Are you the only ones awake?" Helpy nodded quickly and AI said, "Yeah, it was a long day for everyone. We aren't gonna be awake for too long, probably got an hour for each of us left." "It's still enough time for minigames." Said Happy Frog, it sounded like she was worried she wouldn't be able to play. AI shook his head, "Not a good idea, last time we had to drag Orville around because his battery ran out. I'm not dragging you." The four began to bicker over whether or not we should play today. Wanting no part in the argument because I didn't want to be a tie-breaker I quickly said, "I'm gonna check on storage." And left the room. I entered the part of storage with the portal and stopped, standing over it. How the black markings were like tendrils reaching out, trying to grow larger. I jumped in it every day with no consequence, it was. Weird. I looked across and sitting there on the other side of the portal was a mirror. (Odd, I don't remember buying that. Maybe one of the animatronics?) I walked around and stood in front of the mirror. My hair was slightly messy, but I didn't mind, and my red jacket was beginning to wear down because of how much I wore it. After a few minutes of standing in the room by myself. I began to feel off. It was one of those rooms where you would be unnerved standing here by yourself. I brushed off my jacket and shook my head. It was probably nothing. Besides, "What should I be worried about? Been in here numerous times. Nothing has happened before. Why now? I should probably check on the others though, it's been a bit." As I reached the door it slammed shut. I winced from the loud clang. Confused, I tried opening the door, but it wouldn't budge. Then I looked around before trying the parts and service door, and it opened. (Okay, so not locked. Why is the other one being weird?) I pulled out my phone and began to dial Helpy, the room was near about soundproof so screaming might not be able to help me. But Helpy had gotten a phone and we exchanged numbers for emergencies. I paced as I scrolled through my contacts. Right as I found Helpy, out of the corner of my eye, a wisp of black and purple fire moved past. And when I whipped around to see where it went, I felt myself being grabbed and dragged into the portal. With barely enough time to scream for help.

Third POV:

Helpy looked around the main stage room and asked, "Where's Bryan?" Now realizing he was gone. Happy Frog and Lefty shrugged while AI said, "He went to check on storage. Willing to bet he isn't actually checking, but just staying there until we agree on something." I nodded and walked to storage while Happy Frog, Lefty, and AI went back to talking. I opened the door and Bryan was standing with his back to me and staring at the portal. "Bryan?" I said, quietly. Bryan hummed and turned around, his expression seemed to show shock for less than a second before he smiled. "Hey Helpy. Did you guys come up with an answer?" He asked, sounding intrigued. I nodded, "Yeah, we aren't going into the portal today. Too much risk." "I see," Bryan said in understanding. He seemed to be thinking. Something was off, yet I couldn't quite place it. Bryan sounded .......... calmer? No that wasn't it. Something was different. I ignored the feeling and said, "We were thinking about playing some games in the arcade though, wanna join? Or do you have paperwork?" Bryan gave a small laugh, "I can join. Don't worry." Bryan walked past me and I could hear the red flags in my head. Something's wrong. Ask him. Don't trust him. But I still ignored them. I've known Bryan for at least half a year, he's not a bad person. I walked out of the portal room, following him, and unknowing of who I was really following.  

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