Chapter 8

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Yena and you, both dressed in casual attire, stride across the bustling university campus toward your Cultural Studies class. The autumn leaves dance around you as you both chat animatedly about the upcoming lecture.

As you make your way to the class, a group of students rushes past, laughter and chatter filling the air. You pull Yena to the side, attempting to avoid the oncoming stampede. However, amidst the chaos, one student, lost in the rush, accidentally collides with Yena and sends her books flying in every direction.

Yena gasps, taken aback, as her neatly stacked books scatter across the pavement. You immediately move to help, crouching down to gather the fallen books.

"I'm very sorry about that! I hope you're both alright!" The apologetic student, a flustered sophomore, stammers out an apology and tries to help before hastily darting away, leaving Yena and you amidst the scattered papers and books.

"Are you alright, Yena-ya?" You asked, concerned for her well-being.

Yena nods, kneeling beside you to collect her belongings, a wry smile forming on her face.

"Just a little unexpected turbulence. Thanks, by the way." She chuckled.

With combined effort, you swiftly retrieve Yena's books, rearranging them back into her bag. Yena dusts off her skirt and adjusts her clothes, her composure returning.

"Shall we? Wouldn't want to be late for Professor Lee's lecture on cultural revolutions."

"Sure, Yena-ya. Let's go." You nod, offering Yena a reassuring smile as you resume your journey toward the Cultural Studies class, the morning mishap fading into the background as laughter fills the air.

You and Yena enter the spacious room adorned with colorful posters depicting various cultural icons. You find your seats among the students, settling in just as Professor Lee, an engaging educator with a passion for the subject, begins the lecture.

Professor Lee paces across the front of the room, discussing the intricate connections between art, history, and society. Suddenly, he pauses, his gaze falling upon Yena.

"Miss Choi, could you elaborate on the concept of cultural hybridity that we discussed last week? I've heard you were excellent during Professor Han's class. Please do impress me."

"Alright, sir."

Yena's eyes widen slightly, and she nods eagerly, reaching for her notebook where she meticulously compiled notes on cultural studies, fine arts, literature, and more. Her brows furrow as she rummages through her bag, her hand searching frantically.

"It must be here somewhere." She said, looking concerned.

You notice Yena's growing unease, a look of concern flashing across her face. Yena's frantic search continues, but the notebook seems elusive, nowhere to be found.

"It's strange. Why isn't it here?"

"What's wrong, Yena-ya?" You asked.

"The thing is-"

"Is there any problem, Miss Choi?"

"Uhh... I'm sorry, Professor Lee. I seem to have misplaced my notes. I can't find the specific details at the moment."

The disappointment on Professor Lee's face is palpable, and Yena feels a pang of frustration and determination surging within her. She makes a mental note to search tirelessly for that missing notebook.

"That's alright, Miss Choi. It's crucial to stay organized with our resources. Do find it and familiarize yourself with the concepts we've covered." Professor Lee said with a little hint of annoyance of Yena who's unable to answer his question.

How I Changed You (Choi Yena x M!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now