Those who promise to bring utopia into this world unleashes worse than hell itself.
In the depths of history, it isn't uncommon for millions to suffer under a totalitarian state controlled by a government who filters information for the masses. Figures are made in the contemporary for a subtle lesson of how one should act, whether it would be relating to morals, virtue, punishment, the deviation from our sins or vices, and etc. Propaganda, as with sufficient amount of observation and studies conducted always had attempts to distort history, the elite class of which to everyone is unknown alters the past so that the masses in their mandatory education receives a profound impact in their perception of the present. There is a variety of tactics used by the upper class in order to maintain their positions in power, this also includes the misinformation, polarization, and entertainment (also known as breads and games). During ancient Rome, amphitheaters were built under a politician's or princeps' name for their honor, it is a way of showing power and their generosity to the plebeian masses, and no matter how costly it was, the people ought to indulge in watching the exotic animals, chariot racers, and gladiators perform one of the bloodiest and gruesome games known to mankind. By having their concerns for matters that may affect the Empire, many didn't even took time to realize they were being distracted. Of all the unnecessary taxation and violent authority a ruler had orchestrated in his world, it wouldn't even matter if the people loved him. Meanwhile, in the field of education, the standardized mode of learning we have today dates back to the 18th century in Prussia (was a province of unified Germany). After Prussia taking a devastating by the great Napoleon, it was the starting point for both scholars and military officials to cultivate a new model for education, as they observed during their battle against Napoleon, their soldiers were scattering leading to desertion and many unable to move forward to carry orders from the commanders, therefore, they implemented the Prussian Learning Model. It was implemented with the purpose of creating soldiers, for the children were conditioned to be obedient to authorities at a young age during their schooling, shortly after this mode of education arrived to the U.S with a painfully similar purpose: To create workers for factories.
I don't want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.
- John D. RockefellerEventually, this system of education became of good use to the Germans and Soviets to promote their ideology and incorporate it in the minds of generations. The rise of the National Socialist Worker's Party (NSDAP), utilized it to indoctrinate the youths of their racial superiority and why the Jews were responsible for Imperial Germany's defeat, thus the Final Solution was initiated in order to exterminate twelve million Jews. China during Mao Zhedong was by far worse when it comes to have youths indoctrinated with ideology; a group called Red Guards were formed during the Cultural Revolution and they were enforcers of policy, keeping everyone from opposing the CCP (Chinese Communist Party), and if anyone did, they are punished by being publicly displayed and shamed towards the people. By being one of the people subjected to polarization for being in disagreement with the party, you had to be more communist than your compatriots in order to gain their approval, for instance one must read and recite Mao's Red book in a daily basis.
This ongoing novel aims to portray a dystopian world into a grand scale inspired by dystopian novels and nowadays innovation in mass surveilance which includes the use of artificial intelligence, and the observation of our contemporary. Before reading the chapters ahead, this written work published can in some degree offend you for how obscure it is, including many parts of gruesome killings and sexual deviance. Let this piece of work serve as a reminder; it does not aim to be against an individual or particular group of people.