[understand the characters/plot]

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trevor and harold (two random janitors that worked at freddys) died in their springlock suits, being the golden freddy suit and the yellow rabbit suit, the person that killed them was evan who purposely tripped over them so they died

william shocked by the disapparance of his only two employees, he had to improvise and start working at that place by himself aswell since henry was management, and decided to zip his mouth shut about their murders, wiping the camera footage, and told henry about their janitors/workers quitting

henry refusing to work just allows william to mess around with the animatronics and hire new people, that being phone guy and this weird dude named jack

jack worked at a gay grocery store next to their pizzeria so william went in and put a poster that hes hiring people, and jack decided to go to it after like 20 minutes of them arguing over it

so after a long day of explaining to jack how the place works, showing him around and stuff, celeberating with henry that he managed to find someone as vulnerable as jack to agree to work with 5 scary child possessed animatronics, he also has to figure out a way to cover the fact that theres dead kids in the suits

so he changes his name to dave miller, since people know william afton as some guy who almost got accussed of murdering 18 random people outside restaurants with both guns and knives, and also killed two random kids just outside his pizzeria place (charlie, fritz),  just to keep his profile low and so that jack doesnt find out anything suspicious

unfortunately, he forgot to tell everyone about his name being dave so everyone just calls him william infront of jack, and thats got jack confused

soon after, william catches some sort of attachment towards jack when its time to go, once theyve had fun all day and spent all day together, he decides that he has a huge obssessive crush over him and decides to go stalk him in his own home. what could go wrong, of course?

but there's just one problem, michael afton isn't really happy about his dad just getting with henry and now randomly falling in love with jack, it would ruin the family!!! oh teh noes1/1!!!111!1?!!

--- michael afton is now 17 years old
--- william is 28, jack is 25
--- henry is 30
--- this does not go with the aucfnaft timeline i just thought it'd be funny to randomly throw jack in the story LOL

find out more in next chapter fr

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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