Going home but some dumbass follows Scaramouche

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(Idk if you can tell but I'm running out of ideas for my very uncreative chapter titles.)

~ Scaramouche POV ~
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(Sorry for two Scaramouche POV's in a row)

And just like that, it was the end of the school day.

The day had gone by unnaturally fast, that's if you exclude lunch. Lunch seemed to last a freakishly long time, but I guess that's due to how anxious I had been with Heizou and all. I swear— he just wants to paint me as the bad guy again.

Startled out of my pacing thoughts, I was met with a voice of someone who I did not want to talk to right now. Or ever.

"Scarahoe~! Wait up!" I heard Childe pant behind me, so I sped up my walking speed a bit. Maybe he would give up if I went fast enough? Even though we live near each other.. fuck.

I was alarmed as I felt a hand grasp my shoulder. I flinched away, though I regretted it with embarrassment. But shit, when did Childe get so fast? Had he become more athletic when I was gone? Now that I think about it, I think I heard some girls talking about him during lunch. He must be some heartthrob or something again, like in middle school. I guess old habits never die.

Surprising, I wouldn't think much people would be into gingers. But I guess it's not too odd, because lots of people dye their hair at this school, so it's not very odd or 'eugh' to see a ginger. At my boarding school having dyed hair was frowned upon, for some reason, and most people thought I had dyed hair. I guess it's not everyday you see someone with natural purplish hair, so I guess that's why. It's understandable.

"What?" I snapped, turning quickly to face Childe. I really hated him, even if he had been a good friend, he was just really annoying. He would always contradict himself, and it was getting quite tiring now.

"I just want to talk to you! Plus, I know your mom's not home so you're not in a hurry!" Childe sighed, catching up to me when I tried to walk away. He matched my pace perfectly, which I was not so fond of. "We haven't talked in ages, c'mon!!" He exaggerated, but I guess it wasn't really exaggerated considering how we haven't had a full fledge conversation since junior high.

"Spit out what you have to say, then." I demanded, not looking him in the eyes, as my head was faced towards the sidewalk ahead of me.

"Someone's in a bad mood~" Childe taunted, yet he was right. I really wasn't in the mood for this, because I had been worrying the whole day about Heizou, I hadn't gotten a chance to get my thoughts together and relax. "Anyways, Guess what!" He asked, though it really wasn't a question. One of those more rhetorical questions, though he did seem to be a bit excited to tell me, so I guess I owe him a reply.

"What?" I responded dryly, not bothering to try much to entertain his conversation. I really didn't bother to care much about what he said or says, I just wanted to be home already. Because that meant I'd be away from him.

"I almost have myself a new boyfriend! He's also super hot!" Childe gloated. I almost spit out my non existent drink. Wait a minute—

"You're gay?!" I staggered. Well, I hadn't certainly expected that. Childe had always been a hotshot with the ladies, even now. Why waste his time dating a guy?

"What? Are you homophobic or something?" Childe eyed me, seeming a bit nervous. Oh— I didn't know he cared what I thought, since he always acted like nothing ever bothered him. I guess this was important to him.

I sighed, looking at him with a glare. "No— I'm just a little shocked." I retorted, while Childe laughed off my dirty look. What a dick.

"I guess I was too quick to judge, considering you seem to have a boyfriend of your own~" Childe teased, grinning slyly at me. Wait, huh? I didn't have a boyfriend? I'm not gay, first of all.

"What boyfriend?" I glowered, looking at him suspiciously. What did he mean by that?

"You know, the one you sit with at lunch, who also happened to come from the bathroom with you?" Childe told, seeming as if this were a normal thing. "What were the two of you doing in that bathroom, huh, Scarahoe?~" Childe turned cheeky, nudging my shoulder.

"WHAT? We didn't do anything! Shut your fucking mouth!" I objected, my glare basically burning through Childe. He seemed a bit surprised with the utter disgust of my counter, then sighed. "I'm not gay."

"Well it sure seems like it." Childe grinned, patting my head as I shrugged away. Did he really have to be that touchy with me? God. "You're the one who blushes every single time he talks to you. God, you're totally head over heels." Childe wore an ugly smirk, well— I guess it wasn't ugly, but it wasn't pleasant. "But I guess I'm not the one to tell you your sexuality. Anyways! See you later, Scarahoe~!"

Childe walked off as we got to the street that divided our neighborhoods, he went to the left and I went to the right. This area of town was fairly rich, so a lot of kids and teens went here for trick or treating. Majority of the house were more than half the size of a mansion, so the neighborhood was pretty big.

I entered my house, taking my shoes off before fully walking in. I guess it really didn't matter much, since the only other person who was here when my mother was gone was my sister, and she didn't seem to care to much, but it was nice to keep tradition.

Odd, I guess my sister isn't here today. She's most likely at the bar, but usually doesn't go there unless it's a weekend. She must be stressed out with something. Maybe I should cook her favorite meal tonight, so she can heat it up when she gets home? I guess that would be nice.

I set my things down, tidying up the house a bit before starting dinner. I made sure to take out the recipe book, because I wasn't all that well versed in cooking more than a few dishes. But, I'll try my best. I'm sure Raiden will appreciate it.

I put on an apron, careful not to dirty my clothes. I wouldn't care much if these were school clothes, but I had already changed into normal ones, and I did not want to get them dirty.


Words: 1112

Well, I'm done with this chapter! I actually wrote this all in one sitting, while procrastinating getting up. I guess I have to now though, but I finished this so it was worth it! The chapter's bit shorter than I was anticipating, but I guess I say that every chapter. I'm not going to rush this fic, if you can already tell it's a bit of a slow burn, but I really want to rewrite the first chapter. I made it my first priority to finish this first though, so I guess it'll have to wait. Anyways, See you all with the next chapter in a few days!

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