Chipped Nail Polish (Part 1)

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*Chapter 1*

Veneer was acutely aware that growing up with a twin was difficult; Especially if said twin was Velvet.

Now, don't get him wrong- Veneer loves his sister as much as any sibling can, but sometimes it's hard to tell whether she loves him the same way.

Velvet's always been very... particular about her way of showing affection. She's never outright said she loves Veneer- or anybody , for that matter- but she'd done things for him that he knows she wouldn't have done otherwise.

She'd given him her heels during a party when his shoes were getting uncomfortable, she'd lent him her coat while they were waiting outside for a cab and it had gotten cold, she'd almost fought someone when they insulted Veneer.

But it seemed that all those gestures came with repercussions. She'd bugged him about her feet touching the bare floor the entire night, she called him irresponsible for not bringing a coat and refused to talk to him during the ride home, she shamed Veneer for not being able to stand up for himself.

He had been used to it; her words and contradictory actions. He stuck by her anyway, because those little moments where she actually cared had felt nice. He had enjoyed their late nights where he braided her hair and she ranted about her day.

He had loved sharing gossip with her and designing each other's outfits. He'd follow her to the end of the Earth, if she asked.

It was obvious, however, that she wouldn't do the same for him. Anyone with working eyes could see it, Veneer just refused to. She cared for her brother, but not in the way he cared for her.

He did anything she asked without question, and she took the lead. He didn't dispute her when she'd taken Floyd, didn't stop her when she started using his essence.

It was her dream to be famous, and Veneer wasn't going to ruin that for her. He would follow in her footsteps and help her become the biggest star Mount Rageous has ever seen.

He feels stunted, now, as he sits in a cold prison room with his sister. She lays on her bed, back turned to him, and Veneer only feels a little bad. This is what they deserve.

She hasn't talked to him since they got there, but he craves her company. He's tried a few times to strike up conversation, but he hasn't been very successful.

"Velv," he tries again anyway, "I think I know what I want to do when we get out of here."

She doesn't move an inch, but he knows she's listening. He straightens up on his bed, messing with his hair the way he does whenever he tells Velvet anything.

"I want to start a solo career."

Silence. Then, finally, for the first time since they arrived in that dark place, Velvet moves. Almost immediately, she jumps up and turns to look at him.

" What? " Her voice is dry from lack of use.

He spares her a glance, making brief eye contact, before casting his gaze up to the ceiling.

He hums, tracing his finger across his mattress. "I really liked singing with you," he says. "It was lots of fun. I just... want to do it without the troll, this time."

He tries to smile at her, but it feels wobbly. "I think it'd be fun to try again, don't you?"

"...You said solo career," she accuses, her voice full of venom. Veneer grimaces.

"Right," he agrees, " I just... don't feel like I can keep doing this, Velv."

She sits up fully, swinging her legs over the side of the bed and sitting directly across from Veneer.

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