14. 𝑪𝒉𝒖𝒃𝒃𝒚 𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚?

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Jungkook Perspective [ PoV ]

waking up beside my sweet baby who have wrapped her hands around me, lips is pouty, and hairs is covering her face.

"I want you to accept me, I will never cheat you or leave you, darling.", i softly tug her hairs behind her ear and kiss her cheeks.

"Darling, woke up.", I tried to woke her up.

But she trun to other side and cover her head with blanket, I pull the blanket off and tried to wake her up, but she tried to close her ears with pillow.

"Ah, 5 more minutes.", she said irritatingly.

I pulled her in my arms, and patted her head, "Okay."

She lay her head on my arm, as after five minutes, I woke her up again as she rubbed her eyes and stares at me.

"Good morning, wifie.", I said shaking her.

"Yeah, I am awake.", she hit my arm.

"ouch, it hurts.", I cried.

"aww, chubby baby is hurting.", she asked helding my chin.

"Yes...wait..chubby baby?", I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes, didn't you like this name?", she asked with a pout and her arms crossed in her chest.

"Yeah, I liked it cupcake.", I held her chin as same she did before.

"But I am not chubby.", she giggled.

She moves closer and says, "So, can't I call you chubby baby?"

I smiled and tug her bangs and says, "sure, you can."

"I am going to take a shower.", she run towards bathroom after garbing her clothes from the cupboard.

"Ah, let me check how is the construction of new building is going.", I said and open my cupboard, it was totally messy.

"she will never and ever leave getting on my nerve.", I chuckles and start to find my coat suits, I know she haven't thrown them.

Okay, where can she put them? Under bed?

I checked under bed but their is nothing else then her shoes.

"umm, done finding coat suits.", she says, I am siting on floor, as she came and stands beside me, she is wearing a blue trousers with a white t-shirt which is mine.

"I have to go in a meeting...", I says pouting.

"so what?", she smriked and sit down in my level.

"My suits.", I replied.

"but I need somthing in exchange of them.", she sit beside me.

"what?", I asked and my eyebrow rose up.

"umm.... Bring a pizza when you will came back.", she said.

"what? No, didn't you know you just get food poisoning last evening you get discharge. No way.", I strictly refused.

"then go in those baby type clothes.", she moved her face to the other direction.

I sighs and stood up and garb my phone, "Yeah, brought some new set of suits, yeah black colour."

She looks at me angrily, I cut the call and smrik walking towards her.

"I am going.", she trun to go but I garb her wrist and pulled her to me.

"wanna came with me at the construction site?", I asked, she rolled her eyes.

She looks at me back and rudely says, "No i am not coming."

I laughed at her behaviour, "Okay, ask for anything else. I will give you."

"I want to meet my family.", her gaze lowered.

I thought for a while, stilling helding her by her waist.

"Okay, for sure I can complete this.", she hugs me, wrapping her hand around my neck, as her face disappeared in the crook of my neck.

"Thank you.", she says.

A/n's Perspective [ PoV ]

I hope you all liked this part.

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(  °. ° ) Here, my heart for you all!!!

Love To All My Readers!!!!❣️

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