7. arcade

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No one's pov:

After having your breakfast with your family along with nagi. You were cleaning the dishes with nagi helping you as well,

Your parents had gone to visit your relative to discuss some family issues, which you didn't want to hear about so you decided to just stay at home and plus there's no school today, so you want to enjoy some alone time, which has been ruined by nagi, you can't even cursed at him, ahem! Cause he was obviously one of your blk crush. .

'no, I need to stop,y/n, don't get delulu again' you mentaly bonked your headed with your fist,

"Ah, Y/n reo texted and said that he will be coming over to hang out. . " Nagi came over as he showed you the text from reo on his phone,

"I see. . " You nodded as you put away the clean dishes 'just have to smile through the pain. . ' you cried comical tear internally

__few minutes later_____

You heard the doorbell ring so you assumed it was reo, so you went to open it, and low and behold it was the said purpled haired male

"Morning reo senpai!" You greeted

"Morning y/n" The male also did the same

"Come in" You gestured the male in front of you, who simply shooked his head,

"Actually, I was thinking if the three of us could go to the arcade if you like? " Reo smile cheerfully, while nagi walked up behind, almost making you punch him straight in the guts but you manage to calm down,
'Your lucky nagi, almost killed you there. . ' you coughed out with your fist in front of your mouth,

"Oh, let's go then. . . " Nagi joined in the conversation,

'Was that supposed to sound exited or annoyed' you thought, implying to the way his voice sounded when he said that

"Cool, what about you y/n? " Reo asked excitedly giving you his puppy dog eyes,

"Umm, sure, I guess. . " You replied, your face turning slightly red, which didn't go unnoticed by the duo, as they admired how cute you look, when your flustered,

"Let's head there in my car then" Reo suggested pointing to a black car parked in front of your house,

Nagi and you nodded as you followed reo up to his car,

You set at the back seat while nagi and reo sat alongside you, which was a bit tight tbh. . .

'It's as if they don't have anywhere else to sit' you deadpaned as you just sat there trying to smile through your pain

The same couldn't be said for the duo sitting alongside you, the both of them very staring at you, as they breath in your scent making them feel as if they were in heaven

'Ha. . . Y/n. . . Smell so ethereal~.  . . ' reo blushed, he could just devour your whole being and lock you up so just him and. . Nagi could see you,

'Should I jump out of this car? . . It's to tight in here😀' you thought as your patiences was at the verge of breaking

__at the arcade____

'Finally I can breath!!!!' you cheered as you cried comical tears internally,

'Oh, almost forgot we are now in an arcade' you snapped out of your thoughts, as the duo looked at the nearby claw machines,  while still being beside you,

"Ah, y/n why don't we get that plushie? " Reo pointed to the direction of a claw machine, you turned and looked at the machine he was pointing to,

And oh boy, where you the happiest being in the world, they have genshin Plushies!?

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