15. 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒊𝒕𝒆.

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I let out a chuckle at her cute baby behaviour, she is sweet, so sweet that's why she is my wife. She broke the hug.

"hm, y/n now can you tell me where is my suits?", I asked, she giggled.

She walks to her cupboard and open it and says, "here."

I saw my all suits is properly ironed and settled in her closet, I smiled at her and says, "So clever."

I went to take a shower, after shower, I saw my clothes was on the bed, it was black suit, with the same colour pant and a white shirt.

I wore the pant, shirt and coat, she entered inti the room with a trey in her hands, i quickly made her sit on bed and sat infront of her in my knees.

"Didn't docter told you to take rest? Maids is here to cook or do household chours.", I says softly.

She placed the plate on the bed beside her sand says, "Sure they're, but I was bored so I just. Okay, try this."

She forward the the moast to my mouth, I open my mouth and she feed me, if was a really unfamiliar taste but it was so delicious.

"Wow!! You cooked this? Name of this dish?", I asked.

"it is a secret.", she giggles.

"Can you peak my forehead?", I asked.

She smiles and cupped my face, she pressed her lips against my forehead, a smile played on my lips.

She peaked my cheeks, "Okay, aren't you late?"

"Yeah, sorry, but can you feed me?", I asked fixing my clothes and packing my bag.

"Sure.", she stood up and started to feed me, I was arranging my files.

"Hey.", he held my chin and feed me.

"First eat then the file.", I chuckles.

"Cupcake, did you head your breakfast?", I asked taking a look at her face.

"nah.", she says.

I took the plate from her hands, made her sat on the bed.

I took the plate and start feeding her.

When she is full, she gulp the water and says, "let's go."

I looks at her in confusion and asked, "where?"

"construction site...", she says and her excitements is clearly visible.

"Sure.", We both went to car and the I drove to the construction site.

I am helding her hand as she is looking at me constantly, "see we reached."

I says to her. She quickly jumped off from the car, I get off from the car and walks to her and held her hand.

"Hmm, baby it's construction site. Be careful here.", I says to her.

She nods and wrap hand around my arm.

"Sir, so where we have to go?", she asked.

I laughed and says, "There."

I took her there as worker at the construction site started to stare at us. I never known that my wife is this beautiful.

"Work.", I said as my eyebrow rose up.

They started to do their work. I left her hand and said, "I have to go and check the work. Stay here."

I went to take servay of the construction site, everyone here is working hardly, the construction is going well.

As on the servay, I remembered about y/n. I left her around. I walks back to her and find her walking here and there.

She looks at me and sat inside the car.

I went on her side window and knock, "What?"

She rolled her face, "Baby, please open the car."

"Nooo, you left me alone, it's almost 2 hours, why did you take me here?", she said in a pissed tone.

"baby, I am sorry, open the car.", I says, she open the glass.

She give me the keys and said, "I want to go home."

I nods and went to the driver seat, I start the car, hold her hand and start driving. Such an angry bird.

A/n's Perspective [ PoV ]

I hope you all liked it.

(\ /)
( °. ° ) Here, my heart for you all!!!

Love To All My Readers!!!!❣️

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