16. 𝑯𝒆𝒓 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑫𝒂𝒚!

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Walking around in the hall, my gaze shift upon her again when I heard her mumbbling, she quickly stopped and her gaze shifted towards the window.

"What were you mumbbling?", i asked walking forward to her, she yank my hand away and looked away.

"Haha, nothing.", she said going towards the door of the room when I grasp her wrist, pulling her towards me and my hands wrap around her waist from the back while my chin rested on her shoulder.

I can feel her heart beat increasing as my hot breath hit her neck everytime, an evil smile appeared on my lips as she just frozen at her place.

"What kookie?", she asked in her low voice, trying to get free from my grips.

"Happy birthday, Honey!", i whispered near her ear in a heavy, deep and husky voices. She looked up at my face quickly and asked, "How you know?"

"Because... Your Eomma told me.", I replied stepping a little away from her, she smiled and said, "Thank You!"

"Okay, Y/n. What were you mumbbling?", i asked again, she showed me her phone and said, "Jihyun called me."

"Why?", i asked frowning my eyebrow, I am feeling a little angry about this, how he dared to call her.

"To wish me, Jungkook. If he loved me then why he left me?", she said, as her tears rolled down from her eyes, I pulled her in my embrace, caressing her soft hairs with my palm.

"He never loved you, sweetcake. I forget, i have something for you.", i said wiping her tears off, lifting her up on my laps, directly taking her to car.

"Kook, kookie... What? I will fall down.", she said yelling, trying to free herself.

"If you keep up on wriggling, you will surely fall.", i warned her for the last and very first time before placing her in the car.

She silently sit down with a pout on her cute pink soft lips. Her eyes is busy in admiring the view of outside the car.

I let out a soft chuckle at her cute face and behaviour.

In some couple of minutes we reached at the seoul tower, it's empty today because I am the one who booked this place for today and only for her birthday.

"Why we come at seoul tower?", she asked looking at me confusedly.

Before she could ask anything else, I blindfold her, and dragged her towards the middle of the place where the whole decoration is done.

I open the blindfold, and said, "Happy birthday, cupcake."

"Ju..Jungkook?", she looked at me confusedly but she didn't wasted time to hug me and jump in excitement.

She looked at the big black forest flavour cake, "okay, cut the cake!"

I said handing her a knife, "Let's cut the cake together."

I nodded, hold the knife with her, as we cut the smooth soft cake, I take a piece and feed her, later she did same.

"Y/n, your gift!.", I handed her a beautiful box wrapped in blue colour gift wraper, she opened it quickly.

"Make me wear this.", she asked quickly and I wasted no time in helping her.

The beautiful pendent looks so beautiful on her.

"It looks beautiful, right?", she asked looking at me, I nodded as my hand caressed her cheeks softly

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"It looks beautiful, right?", she asked looking at me, I nodded as my hand caressed her cheeks softly.

"Okay, Jungkook! Thank you so much.", she said smiling and hugged me tightly, of which I hugged her back.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, how are you all?

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Love you all!❤️

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