19. 𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝑯𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒚.

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The warm sunlight directly hitted my fair skin giving me little warmth in the season. I slowly rubbed my eyes but when I tried to move, my body is cagged between between my beautiful wife's arms.

Left arm around my waist and other were under her head. Her face is buried in the silk pillow, her brown lustrous hairs is covering her face making her look more adorable.

She was cute from the first time. I tossed around and now my elbow is under my head, my face is just inches apart from her.

My eyes fall on her juicy pink lips, can I touch them? I badly want to kiss this pink lips. Will she allow me? Her lips is so addictive.

My thumb caressed her lower lips which caused her to open her eyes slowly, as her eyes open, our eyes locked.

Unable of break eye contact, we just stared in each other's eyes, deeply and passionately. Her hazel dark brown eyes always explain everything to me.

Her mood, her questions and her feelings.

Is that right, that true lovers is able to read eyes of their partner? My thumb is still caressing her lower lips, I can see her getting goosebumps.

Without wasting time, I moved closer to her face, just micrometers away. Her lips almost touched mine.

But she is just frozen, my lips softly moved on her, cupping her face between my palms. She reciprocate, moving her lips, little softly.

In some couple of seconds when i gain my sense, i deattached my lips from her. Her cheeks turned crimson pink which made me understand she is blushing.

"Good morning, Honey.", I smiled softly, while my palm is caressing her rounded red cheeks.

She hid her face into the blanket.

"So adorable.", i complimented, she looked at my face and pulled my cheeks and said, "You're so cute."

"I can be hot too.", I whispered getting closer to her neck, as my breath hitted her bared skin giving her goosebumps again.

"You being so romantic?", she joked pushing me away by my shoulders and standing up from the bed when I garb her wrist, pulling her on me.

My arm circled her waist pulling her body so closer to mine, "Why you're so beautiful?"

"I am not that beautiful.", she said, trying to get free from my grips, i tug her strads falling on her face trying to cover the view which is pleasuring my eyes.

She give up and sweetly said, "Good morning, Swami. Can I go and take a shower?"

"Can we shower together?", I said in a seductive voice, her cheeks turned pink and she hitted my shoulder, "Stop being flirty."

"Okay, leave me.", she ordered me, how can I just disobey her.

I left her waist but before that, i placed a soft kiss on her rounded cheeks. She quickly stand up and run towards the bathroom.

Am I really falling for this girl? She is so adorable and cute like my past. I loved my past and my I love my present.

And Y/n you're my present and my upcoming future. I am going to make you fall for me and going to love you and make your every dream come true.

Author's Note:

I hope you all liked this part. Sorry for not updating, my exams just finished yesterday and it was annual.

Take care you all.

To Be Continue.....

𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀'𝐒 𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐍 𝐖𝐈𝐅𝐄 || 𝐉.𝐉𝐊 𝐅𝐅Where stories live. Discover now