The Farmer has met his match.

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"Oh God, I really could use some eggs... if only somewhere sold them farm fresh!" Chance says to himself. What he doesn't know is that a farmer is right behind him, listening to his every word. 

The Farmer is a crazy and insane man. He sells his produce and products for a low price, and they are always farm fresh. 

"AY THERE SONNY! EI GOTS SOME EGGS FER YA, THEY'RE FARM FRESH AWRIGHT, YEEEEEHAW!" The Farmer exclaims. Chance jumps in shock, due to the sudden and loud volume that The Farmer has used. Chance quickly regains his composure and turns around to speak to The Farmer.

"Good evening. I would like to purchase some of those 'farm fresh eggs' I hear about. You are crazy, so I am sure I will get a good price." Chance says this in a calm manner, despite being sweaty due to the fear that has been struck in him. The Farmer smiles, and it can be seen that he is missing a few teeth. One of The Farmer's eyes is shut more so than the other, and he has a crazed look in his eyes, almost rabid. 

"O' COURSE! EI'LL GRAB YA SOME EGGS, BUT EIT'S GONNA COST YA, BOY!" The Farmer says to Chance. Chance raises his eyebrows and replies, "Cost? Money is no issue, for I can afford any price you set."

The Farmer has an incredibly evil look on his face and smirks devilishly, the crazed look still in his eyes. "MONEY?! EI AEIN'T GOT NO USE FER THAT, BOY! EI MEANT EIT'S GONNA COST YA.... YOUR SOUL."

Chance Lorenzo Buys Farm Fresh EggsWhere stories live. Discover now