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Chapter One

Life is at its best when you’re in love. That’s what my mom told me. And that was when my mom and dad were still together. It’s been over a year now since my mom and dad separated. We’re almost a perfect happy family until dad went home and handed my mom their divorce paper in our family dinner. My idea of family living happily ever after was shattered to pieces. I could say I was the most hurt among the family. At least that’s why I thought.

I’m on my way to visit my mom and brother who are still living together in UK. They didn’t know where I am living because I didn’t tell them. I have not heard from my dad since he left. I don’t have any idea where he is. As the plane landed, I felt a sting of guilt and nervousness. I have never been to any places other than where I’m currently staying. My mom and little brother moved here three months after I left. We originally lived in Canada but we’re not Canadians. My dad is German while my mom’s a Filipino.  They settled in Canada because of my dad’s job and because it’s where they met. Though I’m half German and half Filipino, I have never been to Germany or Philippines. I was born and raised in Canada and so with brother. My mom doesn’t know where I live but that doesn’t mean we don’t keep in touch. I call her at least once in a month to ask how they’re doing. My mom insisted that I should at least pay a visit to them so here I am. Hunter, my little brother who’s not little anymore, is going to fetch me from the airport. I really haven’t seen my brother for a long while. He’s thirteen when I left and he’s fourteen now. When I stepped out of the airport’s door I spotted him right away. He grew several inches that he’s now taller than me. I ran to hug him.

“Hi Hunter” I mumbled as I took my hands off him.

“Hi Nina” he replied thriftily.

“Come on! Don’t you miss your sister?” I asked him.

Instead of answering he hugged me tight. I embraced him tighter.

“Oh, my brother’s a grown-up” I muttered under my breath.

“Be more surprised if I didn’t grow up” he told me. I laughed and he laughed with me.

Hunter grew up very different from what I expected him to be. I always thought he’s going to be like my dad. Serious, scary and old fashion that’s why I thought him to be. It turned out that he’s exactly quite the opposite. He got his license at an early age. He is responsible. Their house is huge for both of them. I’m not belittling my mom but I think the house is so not affordable by a dress shop manager.

“This looks big” I said.

“Yeah. Mom’s best friend gave it as a gift for her” he explained.

“So that’s why you settled here, huh” I concluded.

“Not the only reason” he said.

It’s good to see Hunter again. He’s my only brother and my protector. My mom was out to buy grocery stuffs so Hunt led me to my room. It’s a guest room but it’s huge enough. When I open the window I saw a half-naked man staring at me from the other window. It's creepy, really. I’m not sure but he seemed familiar to me. It’s like I have seen him before. Hunt is putting my luggage in and when I turned to look at the man he was gone.

“Who's living there?” I asked as I pointed the window across mine.

“Oh” he muttered. “Harry Styles is living there with his family. You bet we got a famous neighbor” he answered.

“Harry who?” I asked.

“You haven’t heard him?” he asked me.

I gave him a “I wouldn’t ask if I know silly” look.

THE FIRST SIGHTTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon