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Kaylen (Kayla Phillips)
Kaylen is 17 years old
Medium bubble butt
Medium size boobs
Light skin
Long natural hair
Being bullied in school
Lives with dad
Grew up without a mom
(Her mom was in a gang when kaylen was a baby. Her mom and dad used to always leave her when she was little and basically took care of herself.. until her mom got shot 3 times in the head and heart. Her dad was depressed and left kaylen with her grandmother until kaylen was 13....kaylen understood everthing that was going on. Her grandmother took great care of her until she caught lung cancer from a lot of smoking. Kaylen tried to help out the best she could but her grandmother died. Thats when her father came back for her and they left Detroit and moved to Atlanta, Georgia and shes been there ever sence. But she forgave her father and now there living a happy life.)

Rodriguez "Jacquees" Broadnax
Long dreads
Brown skin
Lives to sing
Bullys kaylen
Born and raised in ATL
Dont give a fuck about nothing
Somewhat a player
Lives with his mom without a dad because his dad left him...
Tbh jacquees is the way he his now because he never had a father figure to tell him whats right from wrong or even teach him how to be a man...

Issa Thompson
Jacquees bestfriend
Got a daughter named isa
Live with his girlfriend(justine skye) and daughter

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