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The galaxy one day randomly got c7haotic for some reason and universe is shitting itself

The character met eachother due to the chaotic of the galaxy ( kinda like spider man multi uni )

The previous gardian of the universe screwd up and left the galaxy w a big ass blackhole that will twisted the galaxy and fucking eat them one by one
lucky that the gardian is one of bun ( and the rest of the bun au ) ancestors
How cool is that😇😇😇😇😇

As a punishment one of them have to become the next gardian or all of them will suffer and die so the rest of there world

Sydney & matilda is related the most w the previous gardian ( but mostly sydney ) so like sydney have to become the gardian and matilda have to suffer bc of the punishment to xóa the previous gardian tội ( like she suffer the most )

Story begin w matilda at home then a strange portal apear and sydney got out and begged matilda to come and save the universe w her and so they both go like different dimension to collect some pure pearl to chill the god of the multi universe and forgave the gardian
( they didnt know that they are related the most to the gardian )

Story begin w matilda at home then a strange portal apear and sydney got out and begged matilda to come and save the universe w her and so they both go like different dimension to collect some pure pearl to chill the god of the multi universe and ...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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