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Third person pov

Jimin drove the car in high speed breaking all the traffic rules, his fist are clutching the staring very tightly, his jaws are clenched displaying his furiousness and soon he reached his destination. He drove the car inside a mansion by hitting the mansion's main gate in speed, almost breaking it gaining everyone's attention there.

The bodyguards of the mansion surrounded the car which applied a sudden break. They all pointed the gun at the car and waited for someone to come out. Soon they saw a beautiful but extremely dangerous omega stepping out with free hand, of course they all know who it is because how come they not when he is most beautiful and only omega son of the great park's. They wanted to stop jimin but couldn't as the omega's addictive scent was extremely Fierce.

Jimin Directly walked inside the mansion without giving a fuck to those guards, the mansion's main entrance was opened. He saw everyone was in the living room even the Kang himself. Again jimin's scent spiked up by anger when his eyes spotted the attempted murderer of his sister, due to his sour pheromones everyone's attention in the mansion turned towards his side. Kang's eyes widened to see jimin standing there. Jimin sarcastically smilled at him.

"Hello Mr. Kang, I think so you know me" jimin said sweetly and sat down in one of the couch with crossed legs like he owns everything there.

"Even though it is our first meet but I'm sure you would have at least heard about me." Jimin exclaimed while smiling. He can sense the fear and nervousness in kang's face.

"Come, take your seat" jimin said while guesturing the couch in front of him and looked around the Mansion, by seeing the population jimin can say that Kang's family is a joint family. He saw some children running and playing there but when they noticed him they got frozed. Jimin showed his signature eyesmile to them and they too smiled widely in return as they are witnessing the most beautiful omega for the first time in their lives. In the kitchen area jimin saw a women standing and staring at him and she is Mrs. Kang.

"Mother can I get a cup of coffee please" jimin asked politely, the elder omega immediately nodded and went inside the kitchen. Jimin turned his attention towards Mr.Kang again who is still standing.

"Mr. Kang come on please take your seat as we have many things to discuss your legs might hurt if you stand for long time in this age."  Mr. Kang slowly came forward and sat in front of jimin.

"I actually came here to congratulate you Mr. Kang"

Kang looked at him in confusion, Jimin chuckled at his expression.

"Because you lost your tender deal right? So congratulations for that" Jimin said while smirking, Kang's eyes widened.

"You may think I'm crazy to congrats your failure but what to do huh? Now you achieved only failure t ino appreciate" jimin said while making sad face before continuing,

"I want to give you a reward for your failure and this is your first failure, so as a way of appreciating your failure, I have brought you a small gift" Jimin said with sweet smile. He turned back and a butler who came there with a plate with velvet cloth covering it.

(Imagine something huge is there under the velvet cloths)

Jimin guestured him to hand over the plate to Kang who is cunfused by everything happening there and also feeling so nervous and scared. Kang slowly held the plate with shivering hand, it was quite heavy weight. Now everyone is in the mansion is very curious to know what is under the cloth.

"Hmm, come on open it" jimin said with sly smile. Kang slowly lifted the cloth,

"Ahhhhhhh!!!" Everyone screamed by the seeing what is inside, some immediately covered the children's eyes. The plate fell from kang's hand immediately when he saw what is there inside. His heart is beating faster, his breath heaved and his body suddenly started to sweat profusely as he saw his secretary's head alone in the plate. Jimin expected this reaction from them and laughed evily before talking,

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