18. | 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚢 |

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Today's view
🍂I could have every single inch
Of your body pressed tight against mine
And i'd still say. PULL ME CLOSER 🍂

°°Let's start °°


"Veer you know what happened today

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"Veer you know what happened today.!!" Ishani said through the phone.

"What my jaan.!?" Came a soft voice from the other side. While the typing continued in background

"When I was coming back from work, I thought to take a walk for clearing my mind, but alas.!! That was a bad decision. On my way i met a group of boys who started to flirt with me, they all were literally drunk, not even in thier senses" she narrated everything happened today. When suddenly his voice came

"Will you able to recognize them" the sweetness in his voice has now changed to a deep and dangerous one like the ocean, and some scattering sound come from back ground

"Veer, Veer calm down, nothing happened i handled them already. Now not even in thier sober stage also they will flirt with a girl" she replied confidently, trying to calm his anger. In which she was successful, because next second he spoke in amazed voice

"You what.!?"

"Aishh if you dont believe me then ask your spy, They will tell you, even they have seen that scene from different angle" she said proudly

"You knew.!!" If we say he is shocked, then it's true. The spy, he has appointed for her and Tina's safety, were meant to be secret from them. But not anymore.

"Off course, and who will not. I am so disappointed, they are so bad in hidding, even i can see them right now, two of them are sitting just across my apartment blowing cigarette"

She said, looking down from window, and heard him sighing from other side of phone. She lightly giggled and walked towards the tea table infornt of T.V and sat taking some papers on which she has to work.

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