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It was a normal, boring, day on the Nemesis. Megatron was Sitting on his throne, Starscream, at his side trying to hide his smirk. Knockout was in the medbay, most likely having Breakdown buff him. The vehicons, were transporting freshly mined energon to the storage units. Soundwave breathed a silent sigh of relief. It was the most perfectly, boring, day of his existence!
Maybe I can see him today!
He had to keep himself from trembling with excitement, now wasn't the time to displease his lord with silly emotions, but he couldn't stop himself! Todaywould be the day, if he planned it right,that he might see his bond-mate! He wanted that so badly, they hadn't been in the same room for almost 9 million years! A hard sacrifice for his beloved leader's cause. He remembered all the nights he had spent alone on his berth, wishing his larger lover was there. All the nights he had spent mournfuly staring at the small picture in his subspace. All the nights he spent sending spark-pulse after spark-pulse of depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and sorrow through their shared bond. But always his mate sent back pulses of sweet, gentle, caring, love through their beloved bond. It always made the wait just a bit more bearable for Soundwave.
Grounding his feelings, he silently stepped away from his working terminal, and made a straight path for his Lord's throne.

"Ah, Soundwave." his Lord acknowledged him,

"Master," he sent through their private comm, "request permission to go oversee the Predacon project at the lab located on earth?"

His spark thumped so loudly in his chest, he was surprised that Lord Megatron didn't notice.

"I don't see why not, take your time to see how it is functioning." His Lord graciously, answered.

"Thank you my Lord." He bowed, then walked out of the room.

Soon as he was out of the throne room, he created a ground-bridge. Taking a deep breath, he stopped his shaking servo, and silently stepped through.
He was met with cave walls surrounding him to his left a right. Behind him, a trail led up to what he knew was the surface. In fount of him though, was the much shorter trail that led him down to the cave his love was working in. Soundwave walked straight, he walked with grace and purpose, to see his bonded. And if he was to be honest with himself, he was terrified. He felt like a sparkling, going up to their first crush to give them a crystal flower. But he had to push those feelings down, his beloved was so close, and Soundwave would hate himself if he waited any longer to see his bond-mate. Stepping into the large makeshift room, Soundwave scanned it for his lovers location. Though he couldn't find it. He searched again, only a little slower, but got the same results. Had he been to late, was the mech back on the Nemesis looking for him? Just as he was about to panic, he felt large arms wrap around his frame. He was then gently pulled back into a frame that was larger then his, and very warm, compared to the cold cave air.

"Hello, beautiful," The mech spoke softly.

Soundwave turned in the embrace, to hook his arms underneath that of the mech he had missed for so long. Laying his head against the warm chassis, he let his guard down and using his own voice spoke, softly, to his bonded.

"Hello, Shockwave."

They stayed like that for a while, Shockwave slowly stroking Soundwave's back, while Soundwave himself just held onto the mech. Then, carefully, Shockwave picked up Soundwave and carried him, bridal style, to Shockwaves own personal living space. When they entered the room, Soundwave was then set onto a large sofa that was in a corner of the room. When Soundwave detatched his head from Shockwave's chest, he saw that the room was small, cozy, and perfect for Soundwaves simple tastes. The sofa he was currently on was on the left side of the door opening with a large bookshelf full of datapads across from it. To the right of the opening was a large berth and a terminalnext to it. Shockwave saw him move around to inspect the room, and laughed to himself, bringing Soundwaves attention back to him.

"Do you like the space?"

"Yes, it's comfortable."

"Good," and with that, Shockwave moved his hand to unclasp Soundwaves mask.
"There," Shockwave said, as he set down the face plate. "Now I can see your gorgeous face a little easier."

Shockwave then moved to lay down on the sofa, pulling Soundwave against him once more. They stayed like that, Shockwave holding Soundwave close, while Soundwave would softly kiss his lover's face or chest every now and again. Both speaking softly to each other, or just happy to share the silence together.

"I missed you so very much, Shochwave.I was scared that I might not get to see you again." Soundwave said, burying his helm into his handsom mech's chassis.

"I know, love, I wish I could have came here much sooner."

"I wasn't sure you would still want me after so much time spent apart." Soundwave confessed. "It was so hard to stay functionable, sometimes I spent whole days mourning you behind my mask."

Grabbing Soundwave, Shockwave moved his smaller lover further up his chassis, until they were optic level. "I will always want you, Soundwave, always." Then Shockwave brushed his helm agains Soundwave's and soaked in the presence of his bond-mate. Soundwave pushed back and openly left his emotions flow over their spark-bond. Happy to be with his handsom lover again.

Author's note:
Look I did a squshy-lovey thing! Well this story is kinda off a conversation me and Startaker were having. She was complaining about how her favorite transformer couple had little to no good stoies/pictures. I later went onto the internet and found out she was correct. I have actually been wanting to write about transformers for a while so I thought "what the heck might as well make it cute and fluffy" thus this sucker was born! Anyway here's to all you wave-husband fans! Hope I did this ok! If you want to request a TF pair I will do my best to give them a little lime light. Like always comments and favorites are nice, and following just makes my day! Thank you!

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