10. Family Time.

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IF anyone had told Trixie that after school she'd be invited back to the Cullen household then she would have thought they were joking. 

Anxiety  creeped into the back of her mind as she made her way to the female Hale, who was soon accompanied by Emmett, his built frame towering over his wife.

"Hey there Queenie, ready to go?" Emmett jovially stated, proud of his nickname that he chose after finding out that Trixie was English in one of their twenty question games in Spanish, the smile on his face being swiftly wiped off as he received an elbow to the gut.

"Stop calling her that!" Rosalie chided, before swiftly mumbling out, "she's not eighty-two."

Emmett mumbled back at her in a higher more incoherent tone, making it very clear to the human in the small group that he was mocking Rose. A wide smile made its way onto her face at that deduction, happy to see the couple have fun - they were always so serious in school.


The drive back to the Cullen residence was a comfortable silence. A sort of calm before the raging storm that took the form of Alice Cullen. 

Having been swept up in a flurry of blouses, jumpers and shoes - all definitely worth more than anything Trixie has ever owned, the human girl couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when Theo entered his and Alice's shared room in an attempt to 'save' her.

"Theo! She agreed to let me do this!" Alice defended. Her right hand balanced on her hip while her left gestured wildly in Trixie's direction causing said person to shrug and nod defeatedly. It was true, she had agreed to allow this to happen - boy did she regret it now. Especially as this is what was classed as 'a little one'.  

An amused chuckle emitted from the male as he stalked towards his partner.

"I know she did, my little Wonder. But you've been up here since you got back." Theo stated, an amused smile made its way onto his face as Alice rolled her eyes.

While one arm circled her waist, the other reached up, its hand meeting Alice's face in a gentle caress; the two got lost in their own bubble quite quickly as they smiled lovingly at one another with equal measure. 

However, Trixie smiled as she noticed the hand that was encircling Alice's hip beckon the human towards them, before a long finger hastily gestured to the open door.

Message received loud and clear: "Run while you can."

So she did. Propelling herself forward, using the new-found momentum to clutch the frame of the door and swing around the corner, Trixie headed down towards Jasper's room, hoping that the male would protect her from the wrath that she would no doubt face.

A bright smile had plastered itself onto the teens face, ever since she had decided to throw caution to the wind, Trixie had given her all towards becoming friends with the Cullen family, even if it meant revealing the truer parts of herself that she'd kept long hidden. 


The wrath of Alice Cullen wasn't as bad as Trixie had expected. 

Granted the female was certainly scary when she had fixated her butterscotch glare onto the human, but the fear turned into amusement as Trixie watched as Alice turned to Theo. Who, despite his intimidating stature, seemed to be slightly cowering behind the patriarch as well as his brother.

"And do not get me started on your deceitful ways, Mr King!" Alice projected her voice loudly, her voice emphasising 'deceitful'; her dainty finger pointing accusingly at her significant other. However, Trixie caught onto the slight humour in her tone, which allowed a small breath of relief to emit from her small frame.

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