Chapter 23: Premonition

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Trigger Warning: Violence Mentioned. TL;DR at the bottom

Laris' POV

Three days came and went in my household and tension was at an all time high. My mother was heartbroken, and Lil was on a constant rampage shouting profanities about Raelle. I hated to see my mother cry, but there wasn't anything I could do. Allard made the mistake and paid the price, and even mine and Lilura's status as Archmages couldn't change that fact.

I hadn't seen Raelle since the feast, and it worried me. Since I've known her she was adamant about her training and being the best she could be. Calder told me he had no idea where she was, but that it may be best to give her space. It confused me, Raelle's sister had won, hadn't she? Why take time to spend away from work when she knows her family is safe? Not that she has to be constantly training and working, but it was unlike her to spend more than a single day away.

Suddenly, it dawned on me. My conniving sister may have threatened her. No one in her family had any real experience in violent situations, and Raelle's main concern will always be their safety. If Lil or that bastard Anaeus made any sort of threat to any of them, she would burn the world down to save them.

Making up my mind, I dressed myself for the cold and made my way to the Keep. My sister would definitely be there, probably hanging around Anaeus, or ordering her messenger around to do ridiculous tasks. I'd been to her rooms more times than I could count to warn her of my visions that involved her, and I didn't bother to knock anymore.

Like I suspected, there she was, lips locked with the older man she'd been attached to at the hip. It took her several moments to notice I was there, and her eyes widened in surprise as she pushed herself away from him.

"Laris! What the hells is your problem?" she shouted, clearly appalled by my lack of concern for her privacy.

Anaeus bowed his head shyly and slipped out of the room before she could tell him to stay, and I turned to her with a too-sweet smile on my face. "You mean I can't come visit my dear little sister? Pity."

The woman hissed and growled out, "Don't you dare act like that. Let me guess, my next venture with my Battlemages is going to end in an injury? Or is another one of our family members being treated unfairly?"

"First of all, our brother was far from treated unfairly, and he definitely got what he deserved. Second of all, I'm not here for you. I've long since given up trying to give you warning about your missions since you never seem to care. I'm here because I want to know what you have threatened Raelle with and why she isn't here?"

My sister looked at me in utter shock, "Gods, don't tell me you have come to care for her. I simply meant to scare her and make her fear for her family's safety. She ruined the reputation of the Burgs, so why should she get off for free?"

I approached closer to my sister and spoke as clearly as I could. "It is none of your business whether or not I care for her, and again I reiterate, she has done nothing wrong. It was the Blood Mages' decision, and she had no influence on it. But I'll tell you now, if you harm anyone close to her, nothing will be able to save you."

Lilura rolled her eyes and waved me off with a scoff, saying "I'm a seasoned Battlemage and she is nothing and will always be nothing. If something were to happen to her precious family, I'd be just fine. You barely know her, and I could kill her with my bare hands if I wanted to. Now if you don't mind, you've taken up too much of my time. Get out."

I needed no convincing as I steadily walked out of her rooms, thinking to myself. She was wrong, I knew more about Raelle than she could ever know.

I'd been having visions about her since I was a child, and I understood none of them. Sight magic was so godsdamned unpredictable it was frustrating. I knew not why I'd seen her future more than anyone else's, but I knew I could tell no one, especially not Raelle. All I knew is that the gods showed her to me for a reason, as they always did with Seers. It was my burden to bear, and I had to keep her safe.

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