Prologue: The Birth of the Free Nation

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No one quite remembers what action started the war of the realm, but it ravaged the lands of Peloni for over five-hundred years. The twelve nations were consumed by bloodshed and betrayal. No two groups fought under the same goal and all the peoples were destroying each other. The wise Fairlins of the Eastern lands knew that the turmoil would not stop until the nations could be joined together to fight their true enemy, the Mava, Snake-like beings cursed to dwell in the underbelly of Hell along with their master, Draekuin the Destroyer.

In an effort to convince the nations, the Fairlins received a gift from the council of the Great Being, the Kaia. A steel and diamond sword forged by the Great Being himself. A blade that could only be broken by the same force by which it was created.

The Fairlins managed to convince all but three of the nations to join forces. The other three nations united with the Mava and their new collective goal was to resurrect the great beast. The Fairlins led the charge against the traitorous ones and with the combined forces of the remaining peoples, the occult warriors soon fell.

The last battle in the war of the realm took place on the Isles of Stone where the Avins, under the rule of King Ebeneezer, were fighting against the turned Esronians, under the rule of General Rowan. At one time, the two nations fought side by side against the powers of darkness, but General Rowan grew to favor the occult nations in their mission to resurrect Draekuin and sought to end the Great Being's curse on the Esronian people. With his close connection to the shadowy world, General Rowan took control of the Esronian people and set out to complete the ritual needed to bring back the great beast. King Ebeneezer sent all his troops to stop the ritual and defeat the Esronians. Under the lead of their captain, Dane the Lionhearted, the army of stone battled against their former brothers to put an end to the General's reign of terror. The War of the Realm was officially ended when the head of the general fell at the feet of Captain Dane on Harvest Day in the year 1284. Even though the Esronian people did not consent to Rowan's plan, the law demanded punishment for their betrayal. The Esronians were exiled into the deepest reaches of the forest, never to see the light again. To reward the stone captain for ending the war, the Fairlins gifted him the steel and diamond sword of the Great Being.

Captain Dane was now hailed as a hero by the people of the island kingdom, but he was favored most by the fair princess Jewel Stone, his secret love. After much bargaining with the king, the captain and the princess were married in secret to not break the law. Many peaceful years passed, and Jewel had taken her place on the throne of Stone. Her reign, like her father's, was just and prosperous for the people. As the people did not know of her unlawful marriage, Jewel had taken in two young orphans from a nearby village to claim as heirs and to help conceal the fact that a third child, who had not been taken from a neighboring village, was of her own womb. Charles, Donahue, and Alexander were known throughout the kingdom as the royal orphan brothers, even though they were neither brothers nor genuinely royal. Their days at the palace were always happy and full of joy, but of course, the day came when darkness overshadowed everything, and their happiness ended. A fire engulfed the entire palace, the stones crumbled like sand, and the interior walls fed the fire like a ravenous beast. Everyone was dead, the captain, the queen, the aristocracy, and the nobility. The only survivors were a few servants and the three boys, the royal orphan brothers whose name now fit them well. The boys went to the village for help, but the people did not know what to do or how to control the affairs of the country. Their only hope was to start life anew in another kingdom. Charles, being a Fairlin by birth, was sent to the Fairlin Isles to be raised among the Fairos. Alexander and Donahue were sent off to the Jade Continent to be raised in the palace of the newly crowned emperors. But misfortune would strike yet again before fate would be finished. A fierce storm came, lightning struck the bow of the ship and started a fire. To ensure the lives of the young princes were protected, the two were placed in separate lifeboats. Donahue, along with his crew, made it safely to the Jade Continent; however, Alexander and his crew encountered yet another storm. Once the lifeboat settled, Alexander was the only one alive. The boat settled on the shores of Birdallia, a once great nation now ruined by war and the traitorous acts of its people.

Alexander, suffering from a head injury he acquired during the storm, had forgotten all that had happened before he arrived in Birdallia. Alexander was graciously taken in by a family by the name of Leone, who, after some time, decided to adopt him. Alexander grew into a fine young man, married a woman of status, and had two small children. As tension against the Birdallian rulers grew, Alexander decided to move his family to a new place where they may take refuge from the oncoming revolution. The Leones sailed away to the uncharted northern lands. A land that would blossom into a kingdom he called Avaline.

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