Chapter -1 First meet

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"Eliana, wake up. It's 7 already,"

Ugh, this maid will someday be the end of me. I grab my phone from the table just to see what time it actually was. Nevermind it's actually 7 in the morning. I have to wake up and get dolled up for a meeting.
Umm, if it includes someone who can potentially become my husband in the future then I can consider this as a date rather than a meeting, right?
Whatever, I've only seen this man in news

"Sir wants to have breakfast with you," Charlotte says.
Obviously he wants to have breakfast with me today because it's his long awaited day to sell me.
I came down and walked towards the gigantic dining table that looked really odd in the middle of the room. My respected father is sitting on the other side and sipping his morning tea. He didn't bother to even look in my direction as I was sitting down on the other side.
After some awkward silence passing moments, he finally opened his mouth,
"Eliana, you do know how important this marriage is for us, right?"
"I know," I smirked a little while saying that.
"Don't mess it up, you were always good for nothing. At least show me your worth by not blowing this up," he's looking at me with that same disgusted face he made for the 22 years of my life while saying that.
I got up and practically ran towards my room. After sometime Charlotte enters my room with a dress in her hand.
"Where should I put it?"
I tell her to keep it in my bed. As she leaves, I uncover the dress.
It's a really bright color for me, so much that it hurts my eyes.
I try it on and look at my reflection in the mirror. Just as I thought, my bust looks like it's ready to pop any moment. And to add the cherry on top there's such a high slit on the dress. It starts from my hips. What's wrong with everyone? Are they planning to send me to a stripping club?
Even tho I'm a little shortie girl, I have a curvy body, perfect hourglass.. I had countless men approaching me throughout my life. So even without this revealing dress, I can seduce someone enough I assume.
I open my closet and bring out a peach colored midi dress. It's down to my knee, so I can show off my white legs with modesty. But I need to shower first. My hair looks like a mess

I call Charlotte to help me style my hair while I'm doing my natural looking makeup. I try on the dress, it shows a tiny bit of cleavage, it's perfect I like how I'm looking right now. I wear my heels and get down from the second floor. My chauffeur is ready to take me to my date place. I hop in the car and close my eyes. Who on their right mind plans a first meeting with his future wife in the morning? It's literally 10 AM. And to add more, it's in the Emerald garden. "A picnic spot?" Is he out of his mind or what? Nevermind, what was I expecting from someone who's a self made business tycoon in his 20's. Time is money for him
While thinking about all of this, I somehow fell asleep and woke up by the sound of horns. I look outside. We are at the entrance of the garden.
I fix my hair and makeup a little and get down. Someone tells me to walk towards the cherry blossom garden. So I started walking towards it. Umm it's not such a bad place, there are fountains here and there with different types of weird looking statues.. Some are even naked woah. I finally reached my destination. As I was walking towards the table in the middle of the cherry blossom tree, I heard a loud noise coming from somewhere near it. I took a glance around me and found the source of the noise
A beautiful pair of green eyes was looking in my direction. I don't remember seeing anyone in my whole life with such a beautiful pair of eyes. "Chiseled jawline, dark brown wavy hairs with a beautiful pair of lips. I can tell by his body, he works out" instinctively I started to admire his appearance. But I came into reality when he started to move.
I ask him, "Do you happen to be Mr. Mikelson?"
That beautiful pair of lips curls up and he gave me a soft smile saying, "That's my father, I'm Issac"
I didn't realize when he came so close to me. Now that he's standing in front of me, I realize how tall he is. I'm like a tiny cub in comparison.
"You must be Eliana?" He offered me a hand and tilted his head towards the table.
I was taken aback by his appearance for a moment. But I cannot let myself be swayed away from my motive. I ignore his hand and walk towards the table. While sitting down, I told him, "Yes, now would you care to join me for tea?"
I don't remember when this whole tea setup arrived or it was already here when I came.
He's still looking at me with that face. A slightly mischievous eyes, with a smile. It almost looks like he found an amusing toy, something that he wasn't expecting but interested to know more about it.
He comes in my direction and chose to sit in the chair just beside me.
"So, ma'am, can I pour you a cup of tea?"
I look at his face and say, "sure and no sugar for me"
He places the cup in front of me while smiling.
Why's he smiling so much, what's he finding so amusing? I started sipping on my tea and my eyes went on his peached color polo t shirt that is tucked in his off-white colored pant.An expensive watch on his wrist. This man has a good fashion sense. And coincidentally we are matching.
"Eliana, I see you like my body as your eyes are fixed on my chest"
I got flustered by his words but didn't let it show on my face.
"I was just thinking about how we accidentally matched, I'm not any sort of pervert to stare at your chest"
He started laughing while looking at me," It won't be called a pervert if the man you are ogling your eyes at is your future husband,"
Now he's grinning at me.Ugh I don't know how to read this man.
Do you have any girlfriends? "Wouldn't they cry if you marry someone else?" I ask him while trying to avoid his gaze.
"What girlfriends? I never dated anyone"
Huh? Is he joking? A handsome man like him never dated anyone?
"Why? You didn't find anyone compatible with you?"
"Well, love is messy. It's full of emotions that seems like useless to me. So I stayed as far away possible. And another thing is, I was busy making money all my life"

Love seems like messy to him? Useless to him? He might be the perfect one for me. I glance at him while his pouring down the 4th cup of tea for himself.
"Why do you want to marry me then?" I ask him. My father has a solid reason to arrange this marriage for me. So that his shares goes up while having someone like Izek as his son in law. But he doesn't require anything from us like this. Then why?
"That's a secret and even if I tell you you won't understand. So for now think of it as I was bored and my family wanted to see my wife.Thus I'm here for you" he answered me.
"Well it seems you think of me as a dumb woman who wouldn't understand your words. Sure keep it as a secret, I won't ask again" I answered him with a frowned face.
"You took my words the wrong way. I do not think of you as dumb. It's just it might be a foggy memory for you, so I plan to tell you some other time"
Whatever I don't even care what memory he is talking about. I thought I can pass some time while looking at his face but I was wrong . I just want to run away now. I feel suffocated here.
"I'd like to end our day here, I'm not feeling well. I'm sure you have my contacts my now. So text me if you need anything or want to know anything about me" I stood up and fix my dress while saying this.
He gets up and and takes my hand. He's placing a gentle kiss on my hand.
"It was nice meeting you, hoping to see you very soon"
I felt shy for some reason. I can feel my cheeks, ears face turning hot and red. I quickly take my hand from his hand and forbade him. He offers to join me till the entrance of the garden where my chauffeur is waiting for me. But I forbid him from doing so. I think if he stays one more minute with me, he'll notice how flustered he has caused me to be. And I don't want him to show this. I finally get into my car. I bring my hand in front of my face. The place where he kissed seems tingling. Why am I acting like a teenage girl? I dated multiple guys back in the days but I never felt this much shy. Is it his appearance? His aura? That's making me feel nervous? Ugh I don't know

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