CRIME 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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warnings01 : strong language02 : TENSIONNNNNN

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01 : strong language


HE PUSHES ME INTO the closet and looks around before slamming the door shut. I flinched at the loud sound, causing him to glance over.

Is he gonna kill me? This seems like the perfect place to do so.


I furrow my brows, about to rush past him for the door, but his hands latch onto my wrists. I yelp as he holds them up and looks down at me.

He parts his lips, taking in a breath of fresh air, away from those mob of people. He begins to speak, his voice shaky as he does so.

"If someone does something like that to you..."

God, his voice...

Despite the shakiness in his vocal cords, a throbbing from between my legs reached my senses. I tilt my head to look him in the eye, swallowing a lump in my throat as I wait for whatever he has to say. His eyes lower to my lips and mine lowers to his.

"Call my name."


And again, the same pair of lips from before smash onto mine.

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I PANT, MY HEAD lazily leaning onto his chest. His arms rested around my waist, his hand gently playing with the hem of my damp skirt.

☆ stay quiet ━━ yandere k. kazuha x reader .ᐟWhere stories live. Discover now