3 - Wednesday

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It's Wednesday evening and Hyunjin returned from yet another party where people get too drunk too soon

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It's Wednesday evening and Hyunjin returned from yet another party where people get too drunk too soon. Not quite the fun he wants.
Back in his room, he sits in a bath, and lets his mind drift off.

With the cell phone charging in another room, he gets bored, so he reaches out for the little black book and flips a first page.
Once again, he sighs at his misfortune, and starts reading.

Crazy day today. Waiting for a bus after work, I saw this guy in line in front of me. Tall, grey coat, athletic built, elegant, strong..  just my type.
When we got on the bus... he was definitely checking me out and —

- Eww...!!!! Gross!
I got a diary of some teenage girl.
I can't even read this, it's horrible! - he says and enthusiastically flips the page to read more.

you know... it was intense, in public,
in front of everyone.
Ah screw it, if people don't like it - they shouldn't watch.
Sure I did that thing
that works every time—

- What thing? What did you do?

— and he liked it.
He sat down opposite to me, spreading his long legs. Right next to a weird old lady with groceries.
I swear I got a bit hard—

Hyunjin slams the notebook covers together.

- Ok.......
Maybe I shouldn't read this.
It's personal.





- Fuck it! He has my personal lyrics too!

We did that game of checking each other out, flirting, looking away. When I got up to exit, he leaned in and asked do I take this bus every day, and now can't wait to see him tomorrow.

- Hmm.. good for him.
I should go to sleep though. It's late. - he says out loud and impatiently flips another page to read more.

Hi J.,
That guy wasn't on a bus today. He rizzed me up and now I even don't remember that surfing Idiot from the last year. You always knew he was wrong for me, but did listen? No!
I should have listened to you more.
You're always the smart and silent one, and I'm the one who talks non stop, wants to know everything, gets in trouble too much.
I still get in trouble all the time. I'm no longer in Sydney, but some things never change...

Let me start by saying that being gay is not fun. The guy from the bus showed up at the station today but he was wearing a different coat, maybe that's why I didn't notice him before.
Anyhow... he gave me his number and said he worked for the best kpop agency in Korea—-

- That's it! We must have switched books at the company! Ok well I clearly have to read this so I can find him!
It's not my fault he's so chatty... and honest.

He said I have visuals...  whatever, he just looked at me professionally and stupid me... I always get my hopes up.
Wish you were here to tell me when I get all delusional.

I know I don't deserve love. I was just hoping for a little love affair, or maybe a few nights to remember.
It'd be nice to hold someone's hand when we sleep, or make breakfast together in a morning. Maybe rub each other's back in shower.... is that too much to ask for?

- Crap.
He now got all cute on me.
I bet he's some old, ugly pervert, with a criminal record and whatnot.
It would be nice to have someone rub my back now though.

Hyunjin pouts at the sudden absence of two hands to hold him tight.

It really would be nice to have someone to call yours at all times, not just from time to time. Someone who's there when you come home at the end of a long day, someone who'd smile every time you look at each other.

He didn't even know he needed this type of relationship, and now the realization hits him hard.
Loneliness creeps up at him, and he throws the notebook away.

- Stupid book.


A big hug to new followers 🤗.
I'll try to make it interesting here.


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