Where did you go Tyler...? And why is Al pissed off?

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Owen POV:
I woke up on the hard , dusty benches of economy class, I was supposed to be partnered up with Tyler, but he wasn't there? This made me awfully suspicious of him, I got up and stomped to first class causing the plane to shake.I hid behind the door and listened to him and someone else talking? I wonder who he was talking to. I got closer and saw that he was talking to Leshawna.I closely listened in and heard their Conversation until the end of it and returned to Economy class and sat back down.

After a few minutes, Alejandro walked into economy class with an annoyed expression.


Owen:hey al!

Alejandro:Don't call me al cerdo asqueroso


Alejandro:nunca escuchas.

Owen:I guess you don't want to talk to me huh?

Alejandro:Yes, I don't want to talk to you so please leave me alone you're annoying.

Owen:I'll see you around al.

And with that, Owen left economy class to go talk to Noah about the situation with Alejandro and what he heard from Tyler and Leshawna

Noah:so, Tyler was talking to leshawna about that eel?

Owen:I think so.

Noah:what did that eel say to you?

Owen:He didn't say much but I think he was really mad at me little buddy, he called me annoying and told me he wanted me to leave.

Noah:fair, you can be too loud sometimes, but...that was suspicious. I can't trust him, nor should you trust him.

Owen:Ofcourse buddy! I always knew that you were great at making suspicions about people.

Noah:Excuse you?

Owen:Oh, sorry that sounded really rude didnt it?

Noah:Okay it doesn't matter now but what matters is, that we need to avoid Alejandro at all costs.

With Leshawna and Tyler:

Tyler:As, I was saying we need to make sure that we don't come in contact with Alejandro.

Leshawna:But! what if we need to if we have to be in threes?

Tyler:no buts!

Leshawna:fine! Anyways, I need to go to the confessional!

Tyler:Leshawna be safe please...

Leshawna:Don't worry about me! Worry about yourself!

Tyler:I'm just saying...

Leshawna left the first class area to go to the confessional, as she opened the door to go in she was pushed into the wall and Alejandro shut the door behind her making sure she couldn't escape.

Leshawna:What the hell!?

Alejandro:Sorry, but I couldn't help but notice that you were planning something with Tyler, do you mind explaining?

Leshawna:That's none of your business!

Alejandro:Well it's my business now? So explain, now.


Alejandro:Fine, if you're not going to explain...I'll just have to kill you right here and now.

He Brung out his knife and lifted it up to Leshawna's neck.

Alejandro:Are you going to explain now or?

He smiled evilly like a Cheshire Cat stalking its prey, Leshawna was like the mouse getting lured into a trap, one which she could never escape.


Alejandro:it's so sad that you wouldn't explain...but I heard everything about what you were planning, and let me tell you...Tyler is next.And you're dying now...what are your last words?

Leshawna:Fuck you! Tyler was right about you and your wickedness! I hope Tyler exposes you!

Alejandro:I don't think Tyler will be able to expose me when I'm done with him...so farewell!

He slices leshawnas neck leaving her to drop on the ground bleeding out to death.

Alejandro whispers

Alejandro:Tyler is next.I will make him pay.But not by death,by Something much worse.

He washes the knife again and leaves stepping on Leshawna's lifeless body and returns to the economy area.And acts like nothing ever happened in the first place.

But Tyler knows

Tyler knows everything

He's scared

Why wouldn't he be?

He just witnessed 2 deaths

He will expose you for the evil that you are

or maybe he won't

He knows what you're planning

He will try to stop you Alejandro 

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