part one - the beginning of a god awful tale:

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on monday the 21st of janurary, 2019 - one day after famed youtuber will lenney made a video about his rival, big jill - they found themselves on the most romantic of dates.


big jill fucking stared will down. she was probably a lizard, the cunt never blinked unless blinked at. will just wished she wouldn't speak unless spoken to. jill had yelled at seven waiters, even though there were only five in the restaurant. where did she even get the other waiters from? mad bitch.
will was more calm, morose maybe. big jill was an embarrassment to herself, to will, and to society and earth as a whole. will wished the earth would just swallow him up.
he sipped his extremely girly, estrogen packed cocktail, watching as the middle aged beast in front of him yelled and screamed about something trivial - a salad or whatever. the wrinkly monster across the table from him suddenly stood up and flipped the neighbouring table over. this incident may or may not have resulted in four smashed windows and a concussed toddler.

love was in the air.
or so they thought.

what was actually in the air was a gas leak. jill has broken a pipe in the ceiling and that was releasing gas, obviously. reader, how dumb as you, really?
anyway, there was a leaky pipe and an insane amount of gas in a random chipotle that happened to have willne and big jill in it. will stood up and bolted for the door, as any rational person would do. the problem was, his cocktail was stronger than a fucking bull.

that blockhead was headed towards a window.

chipotle love story - willne x big jillWhere stories live. Discover now