Blocky x Shy!Fem!Reader

995 18 15


Requested by @jahjahjahj2000 !

Notes :
-Female O/N (she/her)
-Blocky was a bit hard to write so he might be out of character at moments, i'm terribly sorry!
-Basically Blocky rages over not knowing how to make rocks ricochet on water and O/N tries to teach him <3




Blocky watched as the rock he just threw sunk miserably.

He picked up another one from the ground. It seemed flat enough and had just the right weight. He threw it at the surface of the canal in another attempt to make it ricochet, but it fell immediately under the water, earning a groan from Blocky.

His eyes went back to the ground.
Each rock was either too round, or too small, or too heavy... He kicked one of them with his foot in frustration, sending it flying further on the ground.

He didn't know why he even was at the Goiky canal. He was looking for new prank ideas, but it seemed like the rocks were the ones pranking him.

Blocky was startled by the sound of footsteps on the gravel floor, he turned his head to face O/N.
She stood still for a few seconds, unsure of how to act.

"...Hi? Why are you throwing rocks?"

"I'm trying to make them ricochet, but they just won't obey!"

O/N stifled a laugh. She picked up a rock off of the ground and decided to demonstrate for Blocky.

"Look... you just find a rock that's flat enough, then you bend your wrist a bit like this... and you just..."

She threw the rock. It hit the water twice before sinking.
Blocky stood there dumbfounded.

"Ohhh! Let me try..."

Blocky picked a random rock off the ground, but O/N stopped him.

"No, this one's too thick. It'll sink right away, go for one that's a bit thinner, like..."

Her eyes scanned the ground beneath them. Before she could spot a proper rock to throw, Blocky found one.

"Like this one?"

"Yes, this one! Now, look. Which hand do you write with?"


"Okay, then put your right foot in front of you like this... bend your wrist..."

O/N grabbed Blocky's wrist, adjusting it to a proper position. The position was somewhat awkward, but she told herself it was for the sake of Blocky learning to ricochet.

"And now throw!"

Blocky threw the rock before O/N could let go of his wrist. It falsed the movement and the rock sunk immediately.

"...I'm terribly sorry, i-"

"...T'sokay. Let me find another rock."

She stood awkwardly behind Blocky while he eyed the floor, crouching to get a better look at them. It wasn't that big of a deal, but she still felt terrible.

"Is this one good?"

O/N lifted her head to look at the rock Blocky was showing her.

"Yes, perfect! Now try."

They both stood in silence for about five seconds, neither of them moving.


"...Are you not gonna show me how to position my wrist?"

"Ah! Uhm, of course!"

They spent well over half an hour trying out different shapes of rocks to throw, seeing how well they landed on the surface of the canal.

Blocky knew very well how he was supposed to place his wrists by now, but still asked O/N to show him. He was amused at her shy reaction, how she grabbed his hand to gently adjust its position...

And now, Blocky didn't care if he knew how to ricochet or not, the moment with someone like O/N felt nice.

"...So, any new ideas for pranks?"

O/N spoke as she was focused on the floor, moving some rocks aside with her fingers to find one flat enough.

"...I mean, i don't know if it counts, but i've been pranking you this whole time! Ha!"

"Oh? How so?"

"I... knew how to position my wrist! I was just asking you... because... because......."

Blocky immediately stopped talking. He realised how this was making him look.


"...Because it felt nice when you were holding my hand to position it."

He was defeated and pranked by himself. Blocky looked at the ground, his face reddening.

"You idiot, you just could've said so... We'll continue the ricochets later, alright?"

She took Blocky's hand in hers. The rocks could wait, but feelings couldn't.

757 words
Next oneshot is Kurasan x Reader (requested by @penshusbandreal :)

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