The curious new guy

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     A new boy enters Dan's school, nothing new, students come and go eventually.  But this boy is different, he is mute!  This may have caught his attention, this boy is alone and maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to go talk to the new one...

[Dan's vision]

     Is the first day at school, I'm kind of anxious, but happy, this will be my last year in school! I got ready well(I have to cause a good first appearance to the new students).
     When I went to school, the first person I've seen is Gabby, she's my friend, and woah, she's talking with a gril of the other class. If I'm not wrong, her name is Ellie, that is a bit strange, I've never seen the two talking, but I ignore this fact and go talk with Gabby.
     — Hi Gabby.
     — Oh, hi Dan.
     — Ho is the gril wich you are talking? —I question curious
     — Her name is Ellie, we are talking away about the school. Forgot to ask, HI BESTIE, HOW ARE YOU? —she seems to be happy today
     — Ah, I'm fine, and you? —I say smiling
     — Me too.
     We continuos talking until the sinal rings. Class starts, I noticed feel newbies, but the class passed normally(boring), haven't anything out of normal and we don't talk in class so, I have to wait the recess.
     *the sinal rings*
"Finally, recess time" I think, but before I live class, Gabby calls me.
     — Bestie, do you hear about the new boy of the 1A?
     — yes... —I say a bit apprehensive, is normal to Gabby gossip, but I feel a different energy this time.
     — He's mute, seems like the students are joking he, some people said that he's kind of innocent and dumb.
     — This again? Why teenagers are so rude, man? Always putting down social minorities. —I said angry
     — I agree with you.
     — Sorry asking, but how does he looks? — I'm  genuinely curious about this guy
      —  has brown hair, green eyes and visible freckles and is always with a notebook in his hands.
      — Thanks, Gabby, now I'm going to recess, okay?
      I'm vey curious about this guy that I even forgot that ask his name, I plan to watch for he on interval. Just to see how the others are treating he, so I start to looking for him.
     I walk into his class, the hall, and finally in the patio. In one corner of there, I watch a guy that fits the descriptions of Gabby, I approach for the boy and I saw that hi is alone, but the other seems like are speaking of him and keeping him isolated. I walk into he, I wanna to starts a conversation, even if I'm quite shy.
     — Hi, what's your name? —I remember to ask the name!haha
     The boy start to writing in his notebook, it takes feel seconds but nothing at all.
     "My name is Drew" he shows the notebook with this written
     — It's a pretty name, oh, my bad manners, I didn't tell you my name. You can call me Dan. —I want to break the ice
     "Hello Dan, how are you"
     — I'm fine, and you? Is not easy to change school, right?
     "Yes, seems like the others classmates are laughing of me, but nothing explicit"
     — I'm sorry for you, this is awful, I question myself every day why teenagers could be so rude.  — I said in a comforter way
     "It's okay, I agree with you too and, changing the subject, you snacked already?"
     — I TOTALLY FORGOT THIS —I take of some cookies of my sweatshirt poket— do you want one?
    "Can be one"
    — Okay. —I give one cookie for he and the sinal of the ending of interval starts waring — Now I'm going, see ya
       He makes the sinal of thumbs up and starts walking to his class. He is a cool guy, maybe we can be friends, I'm quite anxious for this and... I FORGOT TO EAT MY COKIES, NOW I DON'T HAVE TIME!!! I HAVE TO EAT THEN FAST!
     — Mister Dan, why you are with a cookie in your mouth? —the professor Oliver said a bit mad
     — Sorry, I don't have time to eat in the recess. — I said guilty
     — I'll overlook this, because it's the first day of class, but the recess time is sufficient to eat your snack and you now this well. Go sit on your chair.
      — Thanks, professor. — I calmly sit on my chair and watch for the class. Is history class and I could pay attention without being boring, it's my favorite subject!
    Some time passed, the class is over for today, I headed to the exit and when a arive, a group of popular guys are waiting me.
     — Well, well, it's Dan haha. — James said in an ironic tone
     — How was the date with the mute guy? HAHAHAHA. —says Grett
     — You continuous to be a weak faggot, don't say you want to give to him? HAHA. —Yul said
    — Hey guys, I think that your atitudes aren't funny. —Ellie appeared out of the blue.. why she is protecting me?
    — Oh, sorry Ellie. — the guys left, looks like they are afraid of her.
    — Ellie, what are you doing here? —I said surprise, we aren't friends
     — You're a Gabby's friend, so you're my friend too.
     — Oh, thank you Ellie, thank you so much.
     — You don't need to thank me, those idiots are making wrong. Seems like your new friend watch a little of the discussion...
     — Seriously? Thanks again Ellie, I'll talk with Drew of the incident.
     — You're welcome, but he already arrived, I think he gets bad watching that.
     I hope Drew is no felling guilty, about this, but the maximum I can do now is wait to today's... Shit, I should have gotten his number.

End of the chapter ;)
Probably I'll continuos <33


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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