She's a Cheater, Charlie Brown

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The new year had finally arrived, and everyone was soon back at school. Miss Donovan called out to Tommy for an official announcement.

"Yes, Miss Donovan!" said Tommy.

Tommy walked out front to talk to his classmates.

"I am honoured to announce a gathering."

"Aw, not another assignment together!" everyone else groaned.

"Not finished yet." Said Tommy. "The Sparkyville Annual Friendship Picnic."

"Yay! A Friendship Picnic!" everyone cheered excitedly.

"There'll be all kinds of events. It won't be this weekend, but next weekend." Said Tommy.

Charlie Brown, hearing what Tommy had said, felt sick to the stomach.

"Er, Charlie Brown? Are you feeling well?" asked Heather with concern.

"It's just...." Charlie Brown said. "Every time I compete in these kinds of events, I end up coming dead last. Last time I competed in any of these events, I came dead last, and it didn't help that Lucy was my partner in those events."

"Don't worry, Charlie Brown. Who knows? You might win for sure." Heather smiled.

"So that means plenty of time to train." Tommy finished.

When it was lunch time, Charlie Brown was having his usual peanut butter sandwich when Violet walked up to him.

"Hey, Charlie Brown! Looking forward to next weekend's Annual Friendship Picnic?" asked Violet.

"No. Not at all." Said Charlie Brown.

"That's because you always fail at them! You never do anything right!" Violet laughed.

"Oh good grief! Not this again!" groaned Charlie Brown.

Violet simply laughed maliciously as she walked away. Charlie Brown felt even worse about it. Heather, who had heard everything, came over.

"Don't take any notice of her, Charlie Brown." Said Heather. "You'll win at least one game for sure."

"You think?" asked Charlie Brown.

"I know. Just you wait." Smiled Heather.

Violet met up with Patty Swanson, who was preparing a skipping rope for the both of them.

"Are you ready to train for the games at the Annual Friendship Picnic, Violet?" asked Patty Swanson.

"Sure am, Patty." Said Violet. "And let me remind you that nobody will mess with Cruel Old Violet Gray, especially wishy-washy old Charlie Brown."

"Whatever you say, Violet." Said Patty Swanson. "And while you're here, let's jump rope."

"I couldn't be here for any other reason."

"But.... do you know what games will be played at this picnic, Violet?" Patty Swanson asked.

"Well.... There should be an announcement soon enough, Patty." Violet said.

"Good point." Patty Swanson answered.

After that, both Violet and Patty jumped rope, still thinking about what games would be at the picnic.

Charlie Brown was preparing Snoopy's dinner that evening, and once his dinner was ready, he brought his dinner out.

"Snoopy, you eat up while I explain what is happening next weekend." Charlie Brown said.

"Huh?" Snoopy pondered.

"There's the Sparkyville Annual Friendship Picnic happening." Charlie Brown explained.

She's a Cheater, Charlie BrownWhere stories live. Discover now