💚- Apocalyptic Meeting -💚

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Also, sorry for disappearing lmao-


The sun was setting, raindrops falling from the sky.

The scenario was completely destroyed, blood splattered everywhere, zombies roaming around, thousands of civillians were dead, all because of Venomshank.
The zombie dragon-like demon was standing on top of the Crossroads tower, looking down at the Crossroads, once a beatiful modern place, now destroyed to the point were nothing was left. He sighed, he still kept his neutral expreesion:

Mouth open wide, empty eyes, drooling...

He shook his head, somehow, he still had some control over himself, making him different from the others. He turned around, sloppily trying to get off the tower without hurting himself. It was hard? Yes, it was, but he managed to do it after a few minutes.

He looked around, noticing the other zombies roaming everywhere, no sign of any other form of life. He was worried, sad and lonely... He missed someone.

The zombie looked around, before walking into one of the alleyways, searching for any place to stay. He was struggling to walk with his damaged leg, almost tripping many times, but he didn't give up.
He walked and walked, before stopping at the end of it, sitting down on the floor, bringing his knees to his chest and hugging himself, trying to feel secure, but it wasn't enough. He started to sob a little, making some kind of growls as it continued to stay there, sobbing, with no one to stay with him.

He sobbed and sobbed for minutes... Hours... Who knows?

He was feeling lonely.

He missed him.


Boombox was hiding at Slingshot's cafe. It was damaged, the windows were broken, the supplies were running out, and he didn't know of anywhere else to stay.
He was feeling lonely, he wished Dom was there with him.

He didn't know if his boyfriend was alive and well or infected, which was worrying him. He couldn't sleep, he missed all of the fun and silly moments he had with Dom.

They sleeping together, working together to make a new song, singing together, walking around together while holding hands, watching TV... He missed everything.

He sighed, getting up and grabbing the rest of the supplies and some other things for himself. He peeked through the windows, looking for any other survivor or any nearby zombie, but everything was... Quiet. As always.

He walked out of the cafe, looking at the damaged buildings around him. BoomBloxx was completely destroyed, Louigi's was even worse. The roads were covered in blood, crashed cars and a lot more. He was nervous, what if a zombie saw him? What would he do?

He didn't have answers.

He took a deep breath, before starting to walk towards the Crossroads Tower, sneaking behind cars, buildings and other things.
After a while of walking, he sneaked into an alley, which seemed safe enough for him to stay while taking a break.

He put his things on a corner and sat down, eating some of the supplies he brought with him, still trying to be as quiet as possible.
After he finished, he laid against the wall and crossed his arms, closing his eyes and muttering motivational quotes to himself.

He opened his eyes, and for a second, saw a pair of green eyes watching him from the shadows.
He quickly turned his head and saw those green eyes staring directly at him, and he noticed that one of them had a kind of an X shape, which looked... Familiar to him.

He only knew one person who's eyes looked lime that.
His eyes lit up, maybe it was him...

- "...D-Dom?" He called, maintaining eye-contact the pair of eyes that kept staring at him.

Everything was silent, until...

- "...H-Hi.." The "thing" said, it's voice seemed familiar to Boombox, but also different... He remembers hearing that voice once...

He narrowed his eyes, one of them turning into a little question mark. He tilted his head and took a step closer.

- "Dom?" He called again, trying to check if it was really his boyfriend.

- "If it is really you, come here."

The silence reigned, but then, it walked out of the shadows.

It was really him...

That thing, which was actually Dom, stood there infront of Boombox, looking at him with that empty gaze.

They both shared looks for a while, no one said a word.




- "...B-..B-Boo... B-B-Boom..?" The zombie said, a small smile forming on it's face.

Boombox's face lit up at that, he rushed towards the zombie and hugged it, burying his face on it's chest.

- "M-MY ILLUMINA, DOM..! D-DON'T EVER SCARE ME AGAIN LIKE THAT!" He said, almost sobbing from happiness. The zombie was caught by surprise because of the sudden hug, but it tried his best to hug Boombox back. It, who happened to be Dom, giggled, purring softly as he finally re-encountered with his beloved boyfriend after weeks of wandering alone.

The two of them stayed like that, glued to eachother as if the world was going to end if they stopped hugging eachother.

The silence reigned again...




- "...How am I supposed to take care of you?"

- "Greeah?"

- "Eh, I'll take that as a 'I don't know'..."


881 Words

Do y'all want a part 2? Tell me in the comments! :]

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