This is Los Angeles, Charlie Brown

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*Shortly before Valentine's Day*

Emily had finally arrived at Los Angeles, California. She was looking at all the different sights via her parents' car.

"Wow! What a place!" Emily exclaimed.

Emily saw the different studios of Hollywood, eventually finding the one her mother would be working at.

"Say, Mom. Is this the studio you'll be working at?" Emily asked.

Mrs. Jones said yes.

"Great!" smiled Emily. "With all the money you earn for acting, we're sure to be a rich family, and then you might even spoil me with one thing I want."

Mrs. Jones wanted to know like what.

"A dance studio of my own!"

A few days later, Emily was on her way to the school she had moved to ever since moving to Los Angeles.

Mr. Clyde introduced Emily to everyone.

"Hello, everyone!" said Emily. "We just moved in from Sparkyville. My mom got a job as an actress. This city is so extravagant, I could easily get around. I also love to dance, so dance classes should be good for me. I hope we can all be friends. Thank you."

So Emily took her seat, ready for the day's lesson. But before Mr. Clyde, her teacher, could announce the first lesson of the day, Emily started to have a think.

"I wonder how Thomas is getting on without me?" Emily thought.

*Present day*

Charlie Brown was holding a football in open field, waiting for a sucker to come and kick it.

"Anyone out there?" called Charlie Brown.

The one to come up to him was Lucy.

"Charlie Brown?" Lucy quizzed.

"Lucy." Said Charlie Brown. "I have a neat idea! I'll hold this football, and you come running up and kicking it."

"I'm not stupid you know, Charlie Brown." Lucy said sternly.

"Come on! Surely you can trust a blockhead on this!"

"I don't trust blockheads. And don't call me Shirley."

"I'll give you $1000 on your next birthday!" Charlie Brown cajoled.

"Charlie Brown, you got yourself a deal!" Lucy said with determination.

As Lucy was about to prepare herself, Tommy came running up with exciting news.

"Lucy! Charlie!"

Upon hearing this, Charlie Brown and Lucy flipped up and landed on their backs.

"You blockhead, Tommy!" Lucy shouted.

"I was about to allow Lucy to kick the football!" Charlie Brown added.

"But this is more important! Have a read of this pamphlet!"

Tommy handed the pamphlet to Charlie Brown, who held it with his left hand, and the football with his right. Lucy saw her chance. She tiptoed to the football, only for Charlie Brown to pull it away, and send Lucy flying away.

"AAAAUGH!" Lucy screamed.

"This is about Los Angeles." Charlie Brown said.

"What's more, since it's Spring Break, my parents have booked me a trip there, and my mum said I can bring some friends with me!" Tommy said.

Lucy got up, and ran up to Tommy and Charlie Brown.

"Gimme that!" Lucy said as she grabbed the pamphlet and read on and on.

This Is Los Angeles, Charlie BrownWhere stories live. Discover now