I am Not a Lambcake, Charlie Brown!

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Another school year had finished, and everyone was getting ready to do their errands for the summer, like go to the carnival and even go on vacations, whether to a seaside town with a beach, go on a cruise, or, as many kids of Sparkyville do most summers, go to summer camp. And that was what Charlie Brown, Lucy, Marcie, Peppermint Patty and Tommy were doing.

Heather the Little Red-Haired Girl, knowing Charlie Brown's plans for the summer, had come over to the Brown residence to say goodbye to Charlie Brown. Much to her surprise, there were Charlie Brown's little siblings, his sister Sally and their little brother Wally in her arms.

"Oh. Hi, Sally. Is your brother home?" Heather asked.

"Of course he is. He's in my arms." Sally smiled, showing Wally Brown.

"No, Silly Sally! I mean is your big brother home?" Heather chuckled.

"No. He's at the bus, packing everything ready for camp." Sally said.

"Has the bus left?" asked Heather.

"Not yet. You have 20 minutes before it leaves."

"Good grief! I'd best reach the bus!"

Heather and Frieda had reached the bus, just before Charlie Brown and Tommy could go.

"Oh. Hi, Heather!" said Charlie Brown.

"Hi, Frieda." Said Tommy.

"Tommy! Got you in the nick of time." Frieda said with relief.

"In the nick of....." Tommy was about to finish.

"Here. Your bag of spare clothes." Frieda said, handing Tommy his bag.

"Wow! Thank you! I'd forgotten about these!" said Tommy.

"Here. I brought your pencil, Charlie Brown." Said Heather, handing it to him.

"Oh, thank you, Heather!" said Charlie Brown.

Frieda hugged Tommy.

"I'll miss you, Tommy!" said Frieda.

"I'll miss you too, Frieda." Tommy said back.

Tommy hopped onto the bus, waving to Frieda.

"I'll write to you!" Tommy said happily.

Heather gave Charlie Brown a big hug, causing Charlie Brown to blush.

"Goodbye, Charlie Brown. I'll miss you!" said Heather.

"Right back at you, Heather. I promise to write to you."

Charlie Brown hopped onto the bus, and as the doors closed, the bus left, with Tommy and Charlie Brown looking out the back.

But as the bus left, Lucy came up with her camp gear.

"The bus hasn't arrived yet, has it?" asked Lucy.

"You're too late, Lucy." Said Frieda.

"Rats!" groaned Lucy.

"But I think someone might bring you to camp." Frieda smirked.


As Lucy had said this, Snoopy arrived on a motorcycle with his little bird friend Woodstock.

"Good grief!" sighed Lucy.

"Maybe a dog would like to take you to camp this year." Frieda said.

"I guess it's better than nothing." Sighed Lucy.

Lucy climbed aboard, and Snoopy rode off.

"See you!" said Lucy.

"See you after your camping trip!" said Frieda.

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