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"Liv come on, Evan's here." Gaby yells out to her sister as she walks out to her boyfriends car

"alright. alright, i'm coming." Olivia tells her twin sister, spraying just a bit of perfume on herself before grabbing her phone and walking out to the car.

"Hey Oli" Evan said to the girl as she jumps into the backseat, her sister sitting in the passenger seat.

"hey Evs" she replied giving him a smile.


"Bobby 'golden arm' home for thanksgiving," Gaby exclaimed as the group arrived at jessica's house, picking her and bobby up "and my ride or die, J-Money."

"What up dawg? I heard you're the new Friday Night Guy." Evan said, while Yulia was reapplying her lipstick "I'd better be with a 96-mile-per-hour fastball." Bobby told

"That's what I'm talking about." Evan replied before revving the engine, causing yulias lipstick to smudge

"Evan you are such a dick" Yulia says, the group chuckling at the situation "what?" He responded innocently

The car ride was going smoothly until the group ends up stuck in traffic. "This fucking traffic is ridiculous. Oh, I can't handle this shit"

"Ev it's the holidays, what'd you expect" Olivia rolled her eyes

"Yo pit stop. I need a new phone mine got fucking smashed in the fight" Evans says, at the sight of rightmart

"Woah we aren't going to the store, Do you not see that crowd?" Olivia protests, pointing out the crowd of people standing in the store parking lot

"Uh yes we are because Evan owes me a new lipstick, thank you" Yulia hissed, hitting evans arm

"Guys, I thought we were going to the movies." bobby said. "We are, how am i going to text during the movie without a phone?" Evan told him

"Who are you texting?" Gaby questions her boyfriend. "ohhh shit" The group of friends say, singing along to the song playing and laughing at the accusation as evan drives into the store parking lot, entering through the exit - causing security to yell out.


"Guys we need to do this quick, okay, 5 minutes, in and out" Jessica tells her friends as they exit the car
"stealth mission. I promise"

Gaby jumps on Evans back while they head towards the store

"fuck I hate this, we should've just headed straight to the movies" olivia mumbles to herself, feeling uncomfortable being so close to a huge crowd. "Ev! Gab! Wait up" She calls out to her sister as Evan starts walking faster. The chaotic crowd pushing her causing her to split from the group, "assholes" she mumbled.

"Olivia? Hey! didn't expect to see you here" Ryan said walking up to the girl

"Yeah, you and me both." Olivia replied, still trying to spot her sister and evan through the crowd. "Sorry Ryan, would love to stay and chat but I really need to catch up with my friends." Olivia told him, pointing to Gaby who looks like she's scanning the crowd in search of her sister.

[✓] 𝑵𝑶 𝑳𝑬𝑭𝑻𝑶𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑺 , ryan bakerWhere stories live. Discover now