↠[The Ultimate Disciple]

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   [Y/N] - Your Name
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[L/N] - Last Name

We're back, baby! I got some stuff I wanna say/discuss/ask y'all in the end of the chapter, so I won't stall y'all here for too long! I just wish to say that it is amazing to be back, and, even if this introduction is rather short, I hope you all are just-as-happy to have me back writing this story, because I certainly fucking missed doing so!


- Murata Yūsuke.
- Madhouse Studios.

<<<<<< I >[---]< I >>>>>>

"Power" comes in a variety of ways.

Whether it's the literal sense of strength, a being so powerful that a swipe from its arm wipes out a city, or mental strength, a person who's been through hell and back, and yet, they refuse to give up on their march, "strength" is also synonym with "endurance". For it matters not how hard you hit — But how you can get hit and keep moving forward. Even so, there are little beings whose strength could match Earth's.

A titanic planet, housing hundreds of strong beings, who themselves are the vessels for either even more complexity and intricacy, or sheer simplicity — Whether you're a cyborg with thousand years worth of technology, or a bald guy who punches really hard, there is no denying that Earth is a planet no sane or logical thing would dare mess with. But yet, what threatens it on this seemingly-normal day, is far from logic.

For that which houses no life, cares not for taking one.

One who saw it better than anyone was the man just outside a space station. Clad on the fully-white suit of an astronaut as he performed the maintenance necessary, the peeking rays of the golden sunlight broke through to tickle his face. At first unmoving, he began to shake at the sight of the sun now peering while a gigantic asteroid moved over to the side, changing its course in a matter of literal seconds.

With dozens of shards surrounding it, part of itself now long broken, it approached. Back on solid ground, people ran back and forth, staring at their screens in shock and disbelief for what they refused to admit. The fear that slowly built through the spines now came crashing like a storm, grasping their souls and refusing to leave, tauntingly teasing them in the back of their minds with despair-inducing taunts and whispers.

One of them silently prayed, putting his hands together to stare at the screen blinking in red in front of him. Through gritted teeth, all he could muster was a groan with a glare towards that red line, pointing perfectly from the space, and into City-Z. In a matter of minutes, leaders of the Cities were brought together to discuss solutions, and scientists talked the possibilities of avoiding, or at least, minimizing the damage.

Amongst themselves, the men and the women in the suits glanced from side to side. The dark room around them lit only by digital screens floating in the air or in their fancy tables present throughout the entire building, the higher-ranking members of the Hero Association talked. Busho found himself not too far away, also sitting by the table with his hands together, zoning out and staring at the picture of three heroes.

𝐒𝐄𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐖𝐁𝐎𝐘 │  [M!Reader x Tatsumaki]Where stories live. Discover now