A "Pea"ceful Day

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Crazy Dave is walking down the city, shopping for stuff until the siren came in and announced to everyone in the city

Siren: Attention Citizens of the city! There is a horde of Zombies spotted near the city, I repeat, there is a horde of zombies spotted near the city! Please seek shelters as fast as you can and don't get caught by the zombies!

As People started to whisper amongst themselves,

Person 1: Zombies? I thought they are just fictional
Person 2: what should we do?
Person 3: are we gonna survive all of this?
But Crazy Dave isn't focused on that, and that is when he saw a young boy, one with light green hair, light green eyes with green rings in it, he is nervous and only about 5 years old right now, Crazy Dave looks around for the boy's parents, who seems to have abandoned him

Crazy Dave: Hey kid, are you alright?
The boy flinched and turns to Crazy Dave with fear in his eyes
The boy: P-please don't hurt me!

He has scars and bruises on his body, he is probably abused and neglected
Crazy Dave: hey, calm down, I'm not gonna hurt you
He kneeled down and pats the boy on the head to calm him down
Crazy Dave: so, what's your name?
The boy: M-My name is Shiyura
Crazy Dave: Shiyura huh?

He then smiles at the kid, who is now more calm than before

Crazy Dave: how about you come with me, Shiyura?
Shiyura: wait, you mean I can live with you?
Shiyura's eyes sparkled with hope, he can finally get away from his garbage parents that doesn't even care about him, as he says that, Crazy Dave nods, telling Shiyura he will be live with him from now on
Shiyura: YAY!!!
He is very happy now, he heard that Crazy Dave adopted some of his friends as well, so he is eager to meet them again, but for now, they wait until the next announcement is made.

An Hour Later

The Siren came on again for another announcement

Siren: Attention Citizen, the Zombie horde is now clear, the Military has eliminated all of it, it is now safe to go outside again
Everyone sighed in relief, people went outside without a worry anymore

Shiyura: so Mr. Dave, can we go home now?
Crazy Dave: Yes, Young Shiyura
As Crazy Dave picked up Shiyura and carried him in his arms and walked home with Shiyura as his son

Hope you all like it, You can go check on Reka San's Facebook Page to see more of her characters! 😁💮

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