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YOU BACKED AWAY FROM KATSUKI, an expression of shock and confusion evident on your face as you began pacing around your bathroom, trying to make sense of the situation you had just put yourself in. you were thoroughly confused, yes, it was a damn good kiss, but now, your brain flooded with questions. one being;

"why did you do that?" you asked katsuki, standing in front of him as you stared at the unreadable expression on his face

he sighed and ran a hand through his hair; "y'know your pacing made me dizzy" he opted to tell you instead of answering your question

this made you mad to a certain degree, the one time you actually needed a straight answer from him, he decides he's going to pull this.

"katsuki, be serious please" you begged, rubbing your temples as you felt a headache come on.

after that, it went silent. the more you stared at him, the more you could see the gears in his brain working, trying to form a decent enough answer. one that would somewhat please you, i suppose

"okay look, i dunno alright? you were there, i was there an' it seemed fitting in the moment, i guess?" he explained. or at least, he tried to

you let out a laugh at this, not one that was meant to be amusing, rather one that was kind of confused, or rather, out of anger (or smth idk)

"god katsuki is that really all you can come up with?" you asked, chewing at the inside of your cheek

when he tried replying, you stopped him. telling him that you thought it was best if he left until he could formulate a proper answer, and with that, the blonde left you alone in your suddenly lonesome apartment, with your even more lonesome thoughts

━━━ ★

it was late. later than you first expected when you left the ballet studio after your lesson. you see, you were currently preparing for a concert that was coming up and you had to practise for your audition, so it would only make sense for you to spend more time at the studios after you got done with volunteering for the day

"are you gonna be okay getting home y/n?" your dance partner asked, pulling the slippers off her feet as the two of you stepped out of the studio together

you hummed and she took this as an okay, she pulled on her sneakers and told you to get home safe, and then she began walking in the opposite direction. you looked up at the studio and sighed, your thoughts quickly rushing to occupy your mind

━━━ ★

once you began walking home, the air became colder, and the sky grew darker, an eerie feeling surrounded you as goosebumps rose on your arms. suddenly you were hyper aware of your surroundings, ears listening for the faintest of sounds and eyes searching for the slightest of movements.

when something snapped behind you, a gasp left your chest and you picked up speed, now desperate to get home and off the streets

"calm down, would ya? 'm not gonna murder you" a voice said from behind you, making you freeze in your spot

when you turned around you were met with the sight of a man with spiky black hair and scars across his face, the lights of the street lamps gave his face a creepy shadow

"who are you?" you asked, though, you couldnt pinpoint it, but he seemed oddly familiar

"the name's dabi, i'm a friend of katsuki's.. you could say" dabi introduced himself

you nodded slowly, not entirely sure if you wanted to stand in the middle of the street talking to this random ass man

"did he send you?" you asked him and he shook his head no

this shocked you, because the only other person you told where your ballet studio was is katsuki, he also knew the route you walked when you came out later than expected. so, how did this random ass person you were now just meeting know the route you walked home, unless he hung out here, if he did that would make a lot of sense

you were snapped out of your thoughts when the older man stepped closer to you, you looked up at him, silently contemplating about asking him what he was gonna do when he took his phone out of his pocket and gave it to you.

"look i gotta get goin', but i have somethin' to tell ya so put your number in there alright?" he told you, not really giving you any room for disagreement

after you typed your number into his phone and saved it, he took his phone back and thanked you. you hummed and then he began walking away, another thing that confused you.

and as you got closer to your apartment, some part of your brain couldn't help but overthink the encounter you just had

━━━ ★


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