🚨Lockdown Part 4 (Minlix)

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-Top/dom Minho
-Bottom/sub Felix
-Not proof read
-2152 words


No one pov

"You two!?"


"FELIX!?" This was probably one of the only times Felix had ever heard Seungmin yell that loud.

The whole tent fell into an awkward silence for what felt like forever. "So, are you the... unofficial boyfriend?"

Minho and Felix glanced at each other,

"No" "Yes"

Jisung raised an eyebrow, "yes?"

Felix signed in defeat, "really Minho, you just had to say yes?"

"Did you not want me to?"

Jeongin's smile grew as he watched the couple bickering. "You are dating aren't you? I can't believe it, Felix has a boyfriend! Plus, it's the Lee Minho."

"You make me sound famous" Minho replied.

"Jisung made his way further into the tent, the other two following behind as he sat down in front of the two."

"So, when did you two start dating, I need details guys."

Felix laughed,"officially, a couple minutes ago. Unofficially, the day of the lockdown."

"That long ago!"

"Yeah, it was quite a while ago I guess."

Seungmin grabbed his friends hands and started to drag them out if the tent, "come on guys, let's let them finish...whatever they were doing." The three of them left the tent snickering.

"Use protection!" Jisung managed to add before he was pulled away.

Felix wanted to kill him. Not really. Just a good punch to the face, fair price to pay for that embarrassing comment.

He turned to look at Minho, only to find the older already staring at him. "What?"

"Nothing, nothing," he put his hands up defensively, "you're my boyfriend now, officially." Felix rolled his eyes, "yuh huh, don't make me regret it," he smirked.

"Don't go taking attitude with me now," Minho teased. Felix laughed and collapsed on top of him with a sigh. He felt as a pair of arms snake around his body in a warm hug.

He hummed and shut his eyes, "don't worry, I would never regret it. "

Students piled off the school bus before scattering in all directions. They had just gotten back from their trip and were free to go home.

Felix quickly said goodbye to his friends before he was dragged off by Minho. "Where are we going?"

"My house," Minho smiled as he gently swung their interlocked hands back and forth.

They made it to Minho's house and kicked their shoes off as they entered. Minho's parents always worked late so he was usually responsible for dinners and everything, only getting to see them briefly in the morning and in the weekends.

"You hungry?"

"Yeah, I haven't ate since breakfast." By the time they got back to school and walked to Minho's place it had gotten into the late hours of the evening.

"What are you doing?" Felix asked.

"Cooking, what else did you think?"

"You can cook?" Minho laughed, "did you think I couldn't?" Felix shrugged, "guess I never really thought about you cooking to be honest."

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