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Hiiii! <3

Welcome to my bio shop! So glad you decided to stop by! 

I'm Zstuckey11—but you can call me Zoe if you'd truly like! I'm the person who runs this shop, takes orders, and personally creates the bios! Nice to meet you! (If we haven't met already.)

Now before we get started with forms and everything—there are some rules that need to be placed first! If you break any of these rules intentionally, you'll be permanently banned from this shop and unable to order. However, I don't think that'll be a problem! The rules are super easy to follow, so don't worry! :)

-Be patient. 

This is my first bio shop—so we're all still figuring things out here. If your bio is taking a little while to get finished—please bear with me. I can assure you that it I will be working on them as much as I can. 

(On a side note: if it's been over 10 days since you've ordered, and you still haven't heard from me, you are permitted to PM me or leave a comment here to let me know!)

-No shop hopping. 

Please, do not shop hop everyone. It's extremely disrespectful to me and other bio shop owners.

-2 redos.

If you aren't satisfied with the bio I've created for you—don't fret! I offer up to 2 redo's to every person who orders. But if you do request a redo, please be specific in what you want different! That way I will be able to provide a new bio that you're happy with. 

-Time periods. 

Every person who orders a bio must keep it for at least a week. There is also 3 day claim period for claiming the bios. If you don't claim it in that time, I will delete your order from my published section and you will not be able to claim it. (If for any reason you may be late to claim—please let me know ahead of time.)

-Be kind. 

I will not tolerate rude or disrespectful language towards others. If you catch someone using anything of that sort—please PM me immediately.


The payment is in the next chapter of this book. Make sure to read it carefully and do the instructions before ordering! 

(Side note: The password is your favorite book series or movie!)

That's all! Now we can move on to the payment! (I know, they suck. But I promise it's super cheap!)

(Sorry for that long space. It's glitching and won't let me fix it. 😭)

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