Part 1

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Wei Ying in a million years would've never thought he would end up getting this lucky. Lan Zhan, the Hanguaung Jun, the jade twin of Gusu, the most handsome man he ever laid eyes on, the most righteous man, leaving his life behind just to be a cultivation partner of the most notorious, the ever hated, Yiling patriarch, the untamed, Wei Ying. He is almost giddy like a little girl. They are living together sharing same bed wherever they go. And Wei Ying can't keep his mouth from making a few suggestive jokes. One such joke got him in trouble.

Lan Zhan got up and pulled him by the ponytail. Pain exploded on Wei Ying's scalp as his head is roughly yanked back by the firm hand. He frowned in pout and opened his eyes only to be frozen by the deathly stare of the jade. Those eyes wanted to burn him on the spot, he felt a thrill of fear spread through his spine and an unsettling feeling in his belly at having angered the jade.
"Wei Ying!" The jade gritted in warning. He wanted to get down on his knees and beg for mercy.
"Lan-" he squirmed trying to get him to let go. His Lan Zhan no matter how angry, would never hurt him. To his surprise he is yanked back into place even more stronger, now with a squeak from the back of his throat he has to raise on his toes to ease the strain on his neck. He loved the handling. It did unimaginable things in his lower region. His breathing became harder and he panted out breath after breath, the strain in his neck becoming unbearable by the passing seconds. He could nolonger see the jade as he closed his eyes tight in pain. He tried, he tried not to move but the hand on the back of his head pulling at his hair is unrelenting, and if anything it is pushing him up and up. He let out a sob that gurgled out as a whine.
"Wei Ying.." the jade's lips touched his ear. This is soft compared to the previous call. It is like he is yearning for him. But the jade is still cruel with his position. He squirmed to find a stable footing. He opened his eyes through the pain to find there is something else in the smoky eyes. They looked like they are tired but Wei Ying knows that look. He is getting off on his pain.
"Will you behave?" it is a simple question.
"Yes Lan Zhan, I-I will. Now please.." he looked up expectantly. The hand loosened and Wei Ying panted breathless in relief. He almost slumped down in a puddle.
And then he is being pulled again, this time by the waist. Wei Ying gasped as his hands are caught behind his back and his front pressed flush against Hanguaung Jun.
There is a playful gleam in the Jade's eyes.
"Wei Ying, Why won't you fight back?"
Wei Ying would never deny what his Hanguaung Jun wants. He succumbed to him long before he knew he liked him.
Wei Ying blushed under his intense glare. The jade looked angry again, but he is just playing with him.
He gulped looking down.
"You can win. I don't mind"
"You don't mind? then you wouldn't mind if I do...this?" he twisted his hands behind harshly and pain shot up along his left hand to his shoulder making him squint in pain.
"L-Lan hurts" he squirmed in pout. The Jade chuckled in response. It is no reason to laugh. Wei Ying's getting angry at his haughtiness.
"Let go" he tried to break free. With a hmph he is pulled firmer, flush against the Jade.
He whimpered this time, the pain a little bit sharp than he could tolerate. If he wanted he could fight him, but he wanted the jade to let go of his own will. His eyes watered and lips pulled tight he waited for the Jade to show mercy.
this earned the Jade an accusatory glare.
They both stared at each other, the tension too thick, their fiery breaths heating eachother up evenmore. His hand slipped a bit and the Jade pulled it taut and redjusted it back to the painful position. He has no intention of letting him go.
Wei Ying gave in slowly as he lowered his eyes.
"P-Please Hanguaung Jun... Let go off me" he said in the sweetest voice he could muster.
"No" came the fast reply. Wei Ying looked up shocked.
"Y-You said.. " he didn't actually say he would let go.
"What can I do to make you let go?"
Lan zhan smiled as he cruelly pulled him back and forth. Wei Ying protested with little whimpers of pain but obliged his teasing.
"You'd do whatever I want, wouldn't you?"
Hanguaung Jun wouldn't ask him anything bad.
He nodded silently agreeing.
"What if I want to bed you?"
Wei Ying ears and nose let out air as they turned deep red. He wanted to disappear from the world. He suddenly felt dizzy at the ghastly thought of Hanguaung Jun thrusting his hard dick mercilessly into his poor hole. He gasped, shocked at the thought.
"Wei Ying, Are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost. Did I scare you too much? Isn't that what you've been asking me all these days? Is that a sick joke?"
"N-No No Lan Zhan...." if he couldn't get it out now then he will never ever.
"T-Then you bed me" he nodded to himself. His whole face crimson with shyness, a whole opposite of the confidence he delivered the jokes with.
"Good" he closed his eyes tight in embarrassment.
He is pulled into crashing lips that moved fervently prying his mouth open. The tongue soon took charge exploring every nook and crevice like it owned every part of his mouth. This is not their first kiss. He knew Hanguaung Jun stole two or more from him. He whined into the kiss as he is not yet let go.
"Wei Ying! I want more from you" he panted as he took the liberty to rest his face on Wei Ying's.
What more does he want? He already agreed to sleeping with him.
"What is it?"
"I want to tame you" he uttered in between hot breaths as he pulled his hands tight making him squeal in pain and he cut it off in middle like a hungry animal devouring his mouth once again. Wei Ying felt pure bliss at being taken forcibly like this. He loved every part of it. He could feel pain and pleasure at the same time making him giddy with happiness.
His hands are let go but not his mouth as Lan Zhan still fervently latched onto exploring it again and again.
He finally let go only to yank him by his ponytail.
"You'll obey everything I say. I'll discipline you and mold you to my liking. You'll never have a say in your own actions, mind and body. Everything, everything of you belongs to me. And there'll be rules. I'll set rules for you to follow and if you don't..." he tugged at the ponytail.
"....there'll be punishments"
Wei Ying never submitted to anyone. He didn't like people telling him what to do. But with Lan Zhan it's different. He seeked pleasure under his control. He chased it when it's not given to him. He purposefully riled up Lan Zhan cause he loved the Jade putting him back in his place. Wei Ying shivered in fear and pleasure.
He would let Lan Zhan have it his way cause he trusts him with his life.
"Lan Zhan o Lan Zhan.... I already belong to you. Haven't I obeyed everything just now? Dumb dumb" he whined tired of all the kissing. Lan Zhan eyes squinted at the nickname, tugging him evenmore.
"Alright alright, don't go all angry on me. Bed me all you want. Tame me all you want. B-But if I wanted to go back and visit-" he wriggled out of his hold.
"You'll be allowed"
Wei Ying smiled hugging him.
"I know Lan Zhan will allow me to visit Yunmeng"
Lan Zhan pulled him by the wrist and pushed him onto the bed.
"Cruel" he pouted backing up on the sheets as the Jade approached him with an evil smirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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