sick mk

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Hi guys so this is the first chapter of my oneshots:3



The sun light shined through the curtains as MK slowly starts to wake up. He stumbled out of his bed.

"God...why does my head hurt so much.."He thought to himself

As the monkie boy quickly ran to the toilet vomiting. Suddenly someone knocked at the door. Mk knew who it was.

"Come in Mei!" He shouted across the apartment

"Hey monkie man!!" She said happily

"Hey Mei...!"

"What's up?" She asked walking into the bathroom.

"I feel a bit sick...but I can go to work!" He said cleaning himself up as he flushed the toilet.

"No no no no,you are not going to work. Before you throw up on one of the customers food!"she said shaking her head

"But I've never had a break!" He got up and went to his room to get ready

She followed him "I don't care! I'll tell sweet pigsy that you're sick and I'll cover for you." She shoved him on the bed. "now rest monkie man."

They both paused

"we need someone to look after you...hmmm...everyone is busy today." Mei said as she stroked her chin

"Monkie king?!" Mk asked

"Nope he said he's busy with macaque... doing whatever they do...wait..Don't you have training with him? "she responded

"Not sure I'll see later. "

They both paused again but this time it was a very long pause

"Wait redson!" Without thinking MK called redson. "Hey honey! Uh so I was wondering if you could take care of me I'm a bit sick now." MK asked

"Yeah sure babe, you need anything? " redson responded

"Could you get some medicine please?"

"Sure I'll be there in 10 minutes! "

"Thanks babe! Love you! "

"Love you too! "

Mk hanged up as he looked at Mei with her jaw wide open.. Confused... It took him a few seconds to realise he messed up

"HONEY?! BABE?! I LOVE YOU!?... CARE TO EXPLAIN MK?" Mei looked shocked

"Yeah yeah I will.. Just stop shouting or pigsy and tang will hear you. " MK said getting Mei to shut up "uh so basically me and redson have been dating for like a month. " He said in a whisper like voice

"What! And you never told me! " Mei whispered

"I was gonna tell y-" he got cut off as redson stormed into the room.

"Hey sweetie! Are you alright!?". He went up to him and kissed him on the forehead not knowing mei is here.

" so your just gonna ignore me!? " mei exclaimed.

"Oh hey dragon girl. Oh.. Shoot. " redson realised as well

"It's fine MK already told me. " mei said "anyways I better get going. Bye Mk bye red boy! " she walked out the room

"Bye mei!" Mk said

Redson looked at him making deep eye contact.

"What's wrong red? " MK asked as he made eye contact

"Oh nothing.. " he picked up the medicine box and opened it putting some on the spoon and feeding it to MK.

MK swallowed the medicine "ew. This is nasty.... "

Redson chuckled " stop over exaggerating " he kissed MK's cheek.

"Can you text sun wukong and tell him I'm not coming to training today? Please? " Mk asked

"Of course baby. " redson picked up the phone and started texting wukong.

With wukong and macaque.

Sun Wukong pulled away from macaque as he heard his phone go off, it was a message from MK.

+ I will not be attending my training session today. As I am is sick. +

The Monkie king knew that this wasn't MK.

+I kinda forgot we had training today... Get well soon bud! +

Wukong put his phone down and went back to doing stuff with macaque.


Back with MK and redson

"Can I join you? " redson asked

"Sure just get into something more comfortable... " MK sounded like he was dosing off

Redson went threw MK's closet and got dressed. He softly climbed into the bed with MK spooning him.

As they both started to fall asleep.


Yessss first chapter done,🥳🥳

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