O2 , tagged.

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"GUYS," Evan says, slamming the hallway door open, "John Carver tagged us again, look" He turns his phone in our direction,  a photo of a dismembered body appearing on his screen

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"GUYS," Evan says, slamming the hallway door open, "John Carver tagged us again, look" He turns his phone in our direction, a photo of a dismembered body appearing on his screen. A disgusted look thrown across my face at the sight.

Jessica pulls her phone out, coming to a realization "Oh my god, Guys, these seats are for us. Our names are at the table"

I gulp as the words leave her mouth, my stomach churns - a wave of nausea washing over me. My mind races as I try to process the information, desperately hoping that this is all just a cruel joke. my hands tremble as I reach for my phone, hoping to find evidence that what she's saying is false


We all stand outside the school in the cold, waiting for jessica to finish a phone call with her dad so we could head towards the sheriff's office.

"He's hiring additional security" She informs us, as she hangs up the phone. "But not closing the store." Gaby scoffs "Correct, that would make sense"

"Wait, wait are you serious? Did your dad not see that this guy tagged us? Is he waiting for us to be on a fucking display infront of his store?!" Evan says agitated

"I'm asking him right now." Scuba says, typing on his phone

"scuba don't!"

"why the fuck not? he didn't tag me. imma send that motherfucker a DM. 'Come get me, Bitch'" Scuba challenged

"Don't slide in the killers dms!" Yulia says, grabbing scubas arm to prevent him from hitting send.

"Please. Just hold off, okay? It's a murder case in my dad store, we can't just fuck around"

"Fuck around and find out." Scuba and Evan say

We all stop in our tracks as a car rolls up in front of us. Jessica almost having gotten hit by the car, had it not been for evan pulling her back.

"are you crazy McCarty?" she yells

"come on princess, i wouldn't hit you. You know how much paperwork the cops would make me fill out?"

"Mccarty are you back to finish 10th grade?" I ask him

"i just thought, you know, in light of the current situation, you might want a little extra "protection"" he says as he bangs the side of his car "courtesy of my old man's store"

"McCarty, only you have the balls to sell guns at a highschool, I should kick your ass right here" Scuba threatens, still mad from the previous conversation.

"Come on, Mark Cuban would think i'm a fucking genius. Everyone gets a gun, problem solved"

Scuba steps up at his words, intimidating the man. "woah, woah, woah, easy scooby snacks. Jesus, i'm only kidding. I wouldn't sell guns to kids, i'm selling alcohol! And right now i gotta meet that little farthead jacob to sell him some more McCarty party tickets. Sales are going through the roof!" He lets us know, we all begin to walk away from him.

[✓] 𝑵𝑶 𝑳𝑬𝑭𝑻𝑶𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑺 , ryan bakerWhere stories live. Discover now