anniversary night~

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Wc: 876
The only warning for this is smut ofc(read desc tho)😋

It was ritz and veneers 6 year anniversary and they had plans to go out for dinner. Veneer was getting ready in the bathroom while ritz was getting ready in the bedroom. Veneer knew that since it was their anniversary night and they were gonna drink, they would probably end up doing something that would involve them not being able to walk the next day. So under his nice outfit he was wearing he put on the new lingerie he had bought without ritz knowing. Veneer then walked out and put his shoes on. Ritz had also finished getting ready and walked out. "You look nice veneer!" He said blushing at the sight of him. "You look nice too love." Said veneer as he smiled. They both got their shoes on and left. On the way there veneer couldn't stop thinking of what he wanted to do with ritz later. "You look focused, what are you thinking about?" Said ritz quickly looking over at veneer. "Oh just thinking about what I wanna drink." He lied. Ritz just nodded. They got to the restaurant and walked inside. They got sat at a booth and looked at the menu. "Are you on the menu~?" Ritz joked looking at veneer. Veneer laughed "maybee~" they both just smiled. They picked what they wanted to order and told the waiter.

After they finished their food they went to go get some drinks from the bar. It only took a little bit for veneer to be way more than tipsy. Ritz also got ahead of himself. Veneer fell into ritz arms and said "let's go homee." his words were slurred but he knew what he said. "Alright then I'll order us an uber."

After they got in the uber the whole ride veneer was leaning against ritz and holding his waist. "I love you so much ritz~" said veneer lowering his hand placement on ritz. Ritz chuckled "I love you too."

After they arrived home veneer grabbed ritz and pulled him straight to the bedroom. Veneer took of his coat and lunged on ritz pinning him to the bed.
"Your so hot~!" He said. "Woah veneer chill~" ritz said laughing. Veneer unbuttoned ritz shirt and started kissing his bare chest. "Veneer..~" Ritz just whimpered watching his boyfriend get closer to his now forming bulge. Veneer unzipped ritz pants leaving him in just his underwear. But before he did anything else he got up and began to unbutton his own shirt. Ritz eyes widened as he saw the black lingerie veneer was wearing. "Holy shit you didn't tell me you got that~" veneer smirked "I thought it would be a nice suprise~" veneer then took of his pants revealing all of the lingerie. Ritz put his hand over his mouth just staring at veneer. Veneer climbed back on the bed and went ontop of ritz. "Do you like it?" Ritz just nodded admiring him. Veneer pulled ritz boxers down " big~" he said playfully. Ritz blushed. Veneer leaned over grabbing some lube and putting it on ritz dick. He also prepped himself and then slowly sank down onto ritz. "Oh fuck~!" Screamed veneer. Ritz moaned. Veneer went up slowly and then came back down "Ngh~ah!" "Fuck veneer~"

After a bit veneer and ritz found a steady pace and veneer was bouncing up and down. The sounds of their moans and skin touching filled the room.

"Right there~"

"Shit veneer I'm so close~" "m-me too oh god~" and after one more thrust "Oh fuck! Ritz I'm gonna cum~!" Just as he said that ritz came inside of him. "Oh yes fill me~" he said while cumming. Veneer climbed off of ritz, them both panting. "fuck that felt good.." veneer said trying to catch his breath. "Wanna keep going?" Said ritz looking at veneer. "Of course I do my love." Veneer went down lower and put his lips on the tip of ritz dick slowly starting to take more of it in. "Fuckk~" veneer went all the way down he gagged a little bit but didn't mind as he wanted to make ritz feel real good. He started going faster using his hands for the parts he wasn't sucking. "Oh god yes veneer~!" Ritz legs were starting to shake, he loved this feeling so much. He ran his hands through veneers hair gripping it. "Nghh~faster!" So veneer went faster. the sounds of wet lips sucking were filling the room getting louder.
Ritz knew he was getting close but he almost wanted to hold on because the feeling was just so good. "Shit veneer I'm getting so close~" veneer took all of ritz in his mouth making sure his orgasm would be good. "I-im gonna-Veneer~!" He yelled cumming in veneers mouth. Veneer pulled off wiping the excess cum off his lips. "You didn't have to swallow~" "Oh but ritz I wanted to~" he said going up for a kiss. "I love you so much veneer." "I love you more."

I think that's all I'm gonna write but I think I'll make a part two sorry if it's kinda short I'm not the best at writing smut!!

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